Season 2 of THE ARENA featured 2,801 contests across 204 contestants from 9 planes of existence. Let's see what happened throughout the season and conference tournaments to set the stage for the grand championship!
The Second Grand Championship |
Pride and Prophecy Evaluation Tool (PPET) Rankings
The top 25 are displayed on our website's sidebar and it's worth calling out the tiers in addition to the rankings. Azura finished in a tier of their own with the only PPET ranking above 6.5 (6.76). #2-#9 finished with PPET rankings above 6, and all members of the top 25 finished with PPET rankings above 5.4. The below list shows the average PPET scores by universe (conference detailed as well), which can serve as a relative indicator of the representative power level of characters chosen, in addition to the relative power level of the universes themselves. It's important to note that these numbers are completely meaningless, and only serve as relative performance indicators.
- Forgotten Realms (4.63)
- The Elder Scrolls (4.47, A - 4.84, B - 4.10)
- The Wheel of Time (4.49, A - 4.80, B - 4.16)
- Diablo (4.28)
- The Lord of the Rings (3.92, A - 4.83, B - 3.02)
- Malazan Book of the Fallen (4.18, A - 4.65, B - 3.71)
- Warcraft (3.85, A - 4.55, B - 3.10)
- The Black Company (3.46, A - 4.23, B - 2.75)
- A Song of Ice and Fire (2.86, A - 3.40, B - 2.37)
Results by Plane of Existence
Conference standings are based on win percentage within conference matchups. These standings determined the seeding of the conference tournaments. These may not align with overall win percentage and PPET rankings. There will be two conferences for each plane of existence in Season 3, therefore, the bottom 5 of A Conferences will be relegated to Conference B and the top of Conference B will be promoted to Conference A.
A Song of Ice and Fire Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Jacaerys Velaryon
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Jacaerys Velaryon
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Robb Stark
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Petyr Baelish
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Aemond Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Stannis Baratheon, Euron Greyjoy, Tyrion Lannister
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Robb Stark, The Hound, Petyr Baelish, Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon
Diablo Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Lilith
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Imperius
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Malthael, Andariel, Diablo, Deckard Cain, Aidan
Forgotten Realms Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Drizzt Do'Urden
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Elminster Aumar
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Minsc, Manshoon, Clacker, Astarion, Cattie-brie
Malazan Book of the Fallen Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Caladan Brood
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Caladan Brood
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Trull Sengar
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Ganoes Paran
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Spite, Mallick Rel, High King Kallor, Karsa Orlong, Dassem Ultor
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Trull Sengar, Ganoes Paran, Spindle, Brys Beddict, Lady Envy
The Black Company Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Soulcatcher
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Soulcatcher
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Croaker
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Goblin
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Bomanz, Shapeshifter, Darling, Frogface, Stormbringer
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Croaker, The Faceless Man, Goblin, Mogaba, The Hanged Man
The Elder Scrolls Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Azura
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Azura
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Sheogorath
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Sheogorath
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Mephala, Nocturnal, Hermaeus Mora, Jyggalag, Clavicus Vile
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Sheogorath, Hircine, Vaermina, Namira, Meridia
The Lord of the Rings Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Sauron
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Sauron
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Smaug
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Smaug
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Gandalf, Eärendil, Witch-king of Angmar, Aragorn, Saruman
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Smaug, Faramir, Samwise Gamgee, Gimli, Ancalagon
Warcraft Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Sylvanas Windrunner
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Thrall
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Ragnaros the Firelord
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Ragnaros the Firelord
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Arthas Menethil, Illidan Stormrage, Tirion Fordring, Garrosh Hellscream, Nefarian
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Ragnaros the Firelord, Onyxia, Sally Whitemane, Baron Rivendare, Renault Mograine
Wheel of Time Conference Results
Regular Season Conference Champion (A): Moiraine Damodred
Conference Tournament Champion (A): Moiraine Damodred
Regular Season Conference Champion (B): Nynaeve al'Meara
Conference Tournament Champion (B): Nynaeve al'Meara
Relegated to Conference (B) in Season 3: Balthamel, Elayne Trakand, Semirhage, Aginor, Matrim Cauthon
Promoted to Conference (A) in Season 3: Nynaeve al'Meara, Perrin Aybara, Lan Mandragoran, Sammael, Mesaana
Grand Tournament Seeding
- #1 Seeds: Azura*, Nynaeve al'Meara*, Caladan Brood*, Sauron*
- #2 Seeds: Soulcatcher*, Lilith*, Trull Sengar* , Lolth
- #3 Seeds: Elminster Aumar*, Shai'tan, Gandalf, Anomander Rake
- #4 Seeds: Drizzt Do'Urden*, Lúthien, Quick Ben, Yogg-Saron
- #5 Seeds: Mephisto, Arthas Menethil, Rand al'Thor, Talos
- #6 Seeds: Thrall*, Aragorn, Durin's Bane, Mielikki
- #7 Seeds: Sylvanas Windrunner*, The Limper, Alduin, Boethiah
- #8 Seeds: Lanfear, Morgoth, Jarlaxle, Bugg
- #9 Seeds: Padan Fain, Longshadow, Coltaine, Mankar Camoran
- #10 Seeds: Imperius*, Spindle, Hircine, Demandred
- #11 Seeds: Smaug*, Moiraine Damodred*, Sheogorath*, Ishamael
- #12 Seeds: Ganoes Paran*, Jacaerys Velaryon*, Ragnaros the Firelord*, Baal
- #13 Seeds: Diablo, Galadriel, Vivec, Illidan Stormrage
- #14 Seeds: Daenerys Targaryen, C'thun, Molag Bal, The Dominator
- #15 Seeds: Robb Stark*, Croaker*, Petyr Baelish*, Goblin*
- #16 Seeds: Arya Stark, Aemond Targaryen, Manshoon, Cotillion
What's Next?
The grand championship is currently being conducted. The winner of the grand tournament will be granted one wish that will be granted by The Recruiter that will impact future seasons of The Arena. Season 3 of the Arena will feature new characters, that you can preview on the relative rankings page. There will be no new universes and limited rule changes introduced in Season 3, as I aim to bolster the content of the website. Ideally, we can get enough votes on the relative rankings throughout Season 3 so that we can switch to community ratings in future seasons of the Arena.