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Malazan Character Analysis: Spindle

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Faction: Bridgeburners

Overall Rating: 6.8

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Spindle, a character from Malazan Book of the Fallen, is a short, scrawny, and bald mage-sapper who served with the legendary 7th squad of the Bridgeburners. Known for his unpredictable magical abilities and an eternally sour disposition, Spindle is a character who combines the eccentricity of a madman with the hardened resolve of a veteran soldier.

Spindle from the Malazan Book of the Fallen Series
Spindle, Sergeant, 3rd Squad, 2nd Company, XIVth Legion

What Books Does Spindle Appear In?

Spindle makes significant appearances in several key books within Malazan Book of the Fallen, starting with Memories of Ice and continuing through The Bonehunters, Toll the Hounds, and The Crippled God. He is also featured in subsequent works such as Orb Sceptre Throne and The God is Not Willing, demonstrating his endurance across various eras of conflict.

Spindle in Memories of Ice: From Sapper to Cadre Mage

Spindle’s journey through Memories of Ice begins with his promotion to cadre mage after Dujek Onearm’s army went renegade. The Bridgeburners, a legendary military force, were integral to the fight against the Pannion Domin. Spindle’s magical abilities come into play as the squad works in tandem with Dujek, Caladan Brood, and Anomander Rake’s forces. Spindle's unpredictability is displayed when he leads his comrades into Brood’s command tent to reclaim a card table used for rigged Deck of Dragons games. A new, unknown Master of the Deck card disrupts their plans, a foreshadowing of the importance of Ganoes Paran and the growing complexity of the Deck of Dragons.

Spindle’s role expands during the Siege of Capustan. Alongside the other Bridgeburners, Spindle uses munitions and his warren of magic to push through an overwhelming number of enemies at the city’s North Gate. His warren, known for disturbing animals when unveiled, allows him to sow panic among the enemy’s ranks, highlighting the unique nature of his chaotic magic. However, the growing infection of the Warrens by the Crippled God soon makes casting spells perilous, causing Spindle to approach his magic with increasing caution.

Spindle in The Bonehunters: Survivors and Legends

Though much of the Bridgeburners’ fate is grim following the events at Coral, Spindle survives and settles in Darujhistan. In The Bonehunters, Quick Ben informs Fiddler and Kalam that Spindle is one of the few survivors still alive. This reinforces the idea that Spindle, while eccentric, has an uncanny ability to outlast even the most catastrophic events, solidifying his status as a true survivor among the Malazan soldiers.

Spindle in Toll the Hounds: The Pilgrimage and Battle Against Corruption

In Toll the Hounds, Spindle embarks on a pilgrimage to the Barrow of the Redeemer, located near Black Coral. This marks a darker chapter in his story, where he finds himself confronting the corruption of the Redeemer’s camp, now overrun by the Dying God’s cult. Spindle’s inherent sense of duty as a Bridgeburner drives him to save children from being sacrificed to the Dying God, showcasing his loyalty and moral compass, despite his often gruff demeanor.

Spindle’s encounter with Monkrat, a deserter from the Bridgeburners, is one of the most poignant moments in his journey. At knifepoint, he convinces Monkrat to aid him in saving the camp’s children, leading to a bittersweet redemption arc for the deserter. This act highlights Spindle’s resilience in the face of moral decay and his determination to do the right thing, even in a world filled with darkness.

Spindle in The Crippled God: The Final Days of the Bridgeburners

By the time of The Crippled God, Spindle has become a key figure in the lingering remnants of the Bridgeburners. Present in Black Coral when the Tiste Andii mysteriously disappear, Spindle witnesses the eerie departure of thousands of Great Ravens—a moment that foreshadows greater cataclysms to come. His connection to events of global importance solidifies his place as a vital player in the series’ endgame.

Spindle’s Leadership in The God is Not Willing

In The God is Not Willing, set ten years after the events of The Crippled God, Spindle has taken on a new role as Sergeant of the 3rd squad in the XIVth Legion’s 2nd Company. Now a leader of soldiers, Spindle’s experience and resilience have made him a more mature and competent leader. The once chaotic mage-sapper has evolved into a reliable figure for his squad, guiding them through the perils of a world still touched by the Crippled God’s influence.

Spindle’s Iconic Hair-Shirt and Mysterious Magic

One of Spindle’s most memorable traits is his foul-smelling hair-shirt, supposedly made from his deceased mother’s hair. The shirt is more than just a symbol of his eccentricity; Picker, a fellow Bridgeburner, believes it may be the reason Spindle has survived so long. Damaged portions of the shirt slowly grow back, further enhancing its mysterious nature. Spindle’s relationship with his mother is another oddity—he sometimes speaks of her in the present tense and shows a clear fear of provoking her disapproval. This adds an air of the supernatural to Spindle’s character, deepening the enigma of his powers.

Spindle’s Magic: The Unpredictable Warren

Spindle’s warren is as chaotic and unpredictable as the man himself. His method of unveiling his warren often panics animals and disrupts natural order. The magic he wields is both a blessing and a curse, as its chaotic nature often makes it difficult to control. Spindle’s dual identity as a mage and sapper makes him a dangerous force on the battlefield, where he is just as likely to use magic as he is to throw a Moranth munition. His ability to read the Deck of Dragons and create his own set of cards gives him insight into the forces of the world, but it also binds him to the chaotic and often tragic fate of the Bridgeburners.

Spindle's Raw Power

Spindle’s raw power, particularly in the context of magical abilities and combat prowess, is a complex mix of unpredictability, effectiveness, and limits. Spindle stands as a mage-sapper, someone who blends destructive physical force with chaotic magical ability. While his power is notable, especially in certain high-stress combat situations, it is important to keep his limitations in mind when considering his ranking across all fantasy universes. On the scale of 1-10, Spindle’s raw power is rated at 6.5, representing a capable but not overwhelmingly dominant force compared to more powerful characters in fantasy.


Strength assesses the character’s physical might, which, in Spindle's case, is a relatively low component of his power. As a sapper and mage, he does not rely on brute physical strength to achieve his goals. He is short and scrawny, far from a physically imposing figure. Unlike characters in fantasy universes who possess extraordinary physical capabilities, Spindle is not known for feats of strength.

In battle, Spindle's primary contributions come from his magical prowess and his expertise with explosives. His skill with munitions in battle, as shown in the Siege of Capustan, speaks more to his cunning than physical force. As a result, Spindle’s Strength score is minimal, barely registering as part of his overall raw power assessment.

Magical Ability

Magical Ability is where Spindle truly shines, though with notable limitations. His Warren, while powerful, is unpredictable and chaotic, which reflects both his power and the risk associated with using it. When Spindle unveils his Warren, it tends to panic animals, creating chaos on the battlefield. His magic is capable of disruption on a significant scale, and in battle, this allows him to manipulate his environment, sow confusion among enemies, and neutralize threats like demonic forces or animal-based foes.

However, Spindle’s magical prowess has a cap in terms of sheer offensive potency compared to stronger magical figures across fantasy universes. While he can unveil his Warren to disrupt the battlefield, his powers are nowhere near as destructive or far-reaching as those of Anomander Rake or even Quick Ben within his own world. Additionally, Spindle’s magic is influenced by external factors, such as the infection of the Warrens by the Crippled God, which causes him to use his powers with caution. The inherent risk in his magic gives it a wild, untamed nature that is both a strength and a drawback.

Combat Prowess

Spindle’s Combat Prowess is a unique combination of his mage abilities and his sapper skills. As a sapper, he is adept at setting traps, using munitions, and employing explosive tactics. In battles like the Siege of Capustan, Spindle and the Bridgeburners are able to breach enemy defenses using a mix of explosives and brute force. This gives Spindle an edge in combat that sets him apart from mages who rely purely on spells.

In addition to his sapper expertise, Spindle’s use of magic in direct combat situations, such as when he disrupts demonic condors by panicking their animal hosts, shows his adaptability in battle. However, despite these skills, Spindle lacks the finesse and power of elite warriors or masterful sorcerers from other fantasy universes. While effective in specific scenarios, Spindle’s combat prowess is situational, and he would struggle in a one-on-one duel against more physically or magically powerful opponents. His reliance on chaos and munitions limits his effectiveness in structured combat situations, where planning and control are more important than improvisation.

Spindle's Tactical Ability

Spindle’s tactical ability, while not on the level of legendary strategists in the fantasy genre, is still highly respectable due to his resourcefulness, ability to adapt in high-pressure situations, and extensive knowledge as a sapper-mage. Spindle often finds himself in situations requiring quick thinking, limited resources, and precise execution, making him an asset to his squad and the Bridgeburners. However, his erratic magical abilities and occasionally chaotic approach to problem-solving prevent him from ranking among the absolute best tacticians in fantasy. His overall tactical ability is rated 7.0/10, representing a capable strategist with occasional lapses due to unpredictability.

Strategic Mind

Spindle’s Strategic Mind is shaped by years of experience as a sapper and mage, two roles that require planning, improvisation, and the ability to think several steps ahead. His time with the Bridgeburners and later the XIVth Legion showcases his ability to adapt to complex battlefield situations. For instance, during the Siege of Capustan, Spindle and the Bridgeburners use their extensive knowledge of munitions and battlefield tactics to punch through enemy lines and secure strategic positions. Spindle’s ability to read the situation and coordinate with his comrades highlights his keen sense of battlefield dynamics.

However, Spindle’s strategic mind is not on the level of master tacticians like Quick Ben or Dujek Onearm, who are capable of orchestrating multi-layered, long-term plans. Spindle excels in immediate, reactive strategies but lacks the broader vision that defines the most exceptional strategists in the Malazan universe. His plans are often formed under pressure and are more focused on the short-term goal of survival rather than grand strategic maneuvers.


As a sapper, Spindle’s Resourcefulness is one of his greatest strengths. He has an innate ability to use whatever is at his disposal to achieve a tactical advantage, whether through munitions, magic, or terrain manipulation. In situations where resources are limited, Spindle can make quick decisions to turn the tide in his favor. This is most evident during missions where he employs both his magical abilities and sapper expertise to devastating effect. His versatility in combining magic with munitions, such as setting explosive traps while simultaneously using his warren to disrupt the enemy, underscores his adaptability on the battlefield.

One of Spindle’s key moments of resourcefulness is during the Siege of Coral, where he and Hedge rig a tower with munitions to blow open an entrance for the Bridgeburners. His ability to find solutions using explosives and magic highlights his expertise in unconventional warfare. His ability to adapt under pressure is a hallmark of his character, enabling him to survive where others might fail.

However, Spindle’s resourcefulness is often tempered by the chaotic nature of his magic. His warren, while powerful, can be unpredictable, and this uncertainty sometimes hampers his tactical effectiveness. He must often rely on his sapper skills more than his magic in critical moments.

Resource Arsenal

Spindle’s Resource Arsenal consists primarily of munitions and his Warren. While his access to magical abilities provides a significant edge in combat, his reliance on munitions places him in a somewhat limited category compared to more powerful characters who can summon vast armies or control natural forces. His ability to read the Deck of Dragons gives him some foresight and insight into the dynamics of the world, but this is more of a supplementary skill than a core tactical advantage.

In terms of available resources, Spindle operates best within the context of small-scale skirmishes or specific missions, where his sapper tools and erratic magic can be used to maximum effect. His abilities, while effective in certain contexts, do not extend to large-scale warfare or prolonged strategic engagements, limiting his resource arsenal when compared to other powerful fantasy characters.

Spindle's Influence

Spindle holds a unique but limited position of influence. His role as a mage-sapper with the Bridgeburners gives him a certain level of reverence among his peers, but his influence does not extend much beyond the close-knit circle of those who know him personally. Unlike more charismatic or manipulative characters, Spindle’s influence is quiet, grounded in his loyalty and actions rather than any overt displays of leadership or persuasion. In the context of all fantasy universes, Spindle's influence is moderate, earning him a rating of 5.5/10.


Spindle’s Persuasion is subtle and indirect. He is not a charismatic leader or a figure who commands great authority through words alone. Instead, his ability to influence those around him comes through actions and the respect he garners as a soldier and mage. He has a sour disposition and often keeps to himself, which means he rarely seeks to sway others through dialogue or charm.

However, there are instances where Spindle does manage to influence others, though usually by appealing to their sense of duty rather than manipulating or inspiring them. One such moment is his interaction with Monkrat during the events in Toll the Hounds, where Spindle, despite the grim circumstances, convinces Monkrat to help save the children of the pilgrim camp. This shows that while Spindle is not traditionally persuasive, he can appeal to the deeper motivations of those around him when the situation calls for it.


Reverence measures how much awe or respect a character commands inherently. Among the Bridgeburners, Spindle is highly respected, even if he is seen as somewhat eccentric. His skill as a mage-sapper, his survival through countless battles, and his connection to the Bridgeburners’ legacy afford him a level of reverence from his comrades. His tattered, almost mystical hairshirt (woven from his dead mother's hair) further adds to the mysterious respect he commands, particularly because Picker believes the shirt is why he has survived so many battles.

Yet, outside the Bridgeburners and those close to him, Spindle's reverence does not extend much further. He lacks the reputation of a legendary figure like Anomander Rake or Karsa Orlong, whose mere presence can command fear or admiration. While respected in his immediate circle, Spindle is more of a niche figure in terms of reverence in the grander scale of the Malazan universe.


Spindle’s Willpower is one of his stronger traits. He has survived numerous battles and hardships, often in situations where others would have faltered. His ability to push through the chaos of war, especially during events like the Siege of Capustan and the Battle of Coral, is a testament to his mental fortitude. Furthermore, Spindle’s connection to his Warren, despite its erratic nature, shows that he is able to wield his magic even in dangerous and unpredictable situations, which requires a strong will.

His adherence to wearing the hairshirt, despite its discomfort and strangeness, also indicates a deep-rooted sense of duty and determination. Spindle’s willpower is not driven by a desire for power or control, but rather by his commitment to his comrades and his survival instincts. While he may not be the most imposing figure in terms of leadership, his internal strength and resilience are undeniable.

Spindle's Resilience

Spindle is a character marked by remarkable resilience in both physical and magical terms. His resilience has been forged in the crucible of war, where survival and adaptation are key to enduring the brutal conflicts that shape the world of the Malazan Empire. In considering all fantasy characters across various universes, Spindle's resilience is notable but not exceptional, earning him a rating of 7/10.

Physical Resistance

Spindle's physical resistance is defined by his ability to withstand grueling battlefield conditions. As a member of the Bridgeburners, Spindle has survived numerous violent encounters, ranging from brutal melee skirmishes to large-scale sieges. Though physically scrawny, his role as both a sapper and mage forces him to endure the dual pressures of physical combat and magical warfare. Despite his slight build, his ability to push through pain and discomfort highlights his resilience. However, compared to truly legendary figures across the fantasy genre, Spindle’s physical endurance remains solid but not extraordinary.

Magical Resistance

Spindle's magical resistance is significantly bolstered by his experience as a mage. His Warren, while often chaotic and unpredictable, offers him a measure of protection against hostile magic. In a world where magic is both a tool and a weapon, being a mage in the Malazan universe means constantly battling against both physical and magical dangers. His ability to call upon his Warren to disrupt enemies, especially creatures like the demonic Condors during the Siege of Coral, demonstrates his capacity to resist and counter magic.

Moreover, the chaotic nature of his magic suggests that he can survive dangerous magical conditions that would unravel other, less experienced mages. The growing infection of the Warrens during his time battling the Crippled God's influence makes spellcasting a hazardous endeavor, yet Spindle manages to navigate these threats, albeit cautiously. His fear of testing his magic during these moments underscores the inherent risks involved but also highlights the fact that he survives where many others would have succumbed.


Longevity, both in terms of lifespan and the ability to recover from seemingly insurmountable threats, is a crucial aspect of Spindle’s resilience. He has survived years of intense conflict as a soldier in the Bridgeburners, one of the most elite and doomed military units in the Malazan Empire. The fact that he outlives many of his comrades and remains active well into the events of The God is Not Willing, where he becomes the sergeant of the 3rd squad, speaks volumes about his ability to endure.

In the broader context of fantasy universes, Spindle's longevity is significant because he has managed to avoid the typical fate of sappers and mages who often fall prey to their dangerous roles. His ability to stay alive despite overwhelming odds, including the devastating Siege of Coral, the capricious use of munitions, and the infectious magic of the Crippled God, shows a character who is not just physically and magically resistant, but also exceptionally enduring over time.

That said, Spindle's longevity is not rooted in immortality or godlike regeneration. He is, at the end of the day, a mortal man who has survived due to skill, luck, and possibly supernatural protection from his mother’s hairshirt. As such, while his resilience is impressive, it does not reach the levels of truly immortal or regenerating characters across fantasy lore.

Spindle's Versatility

As a member of the Bridgeburners, a cadre of elite soldiers in the Malazan army, Spindle's diverse skillset spans the roles of mage, sapper, and soldier, making him a multifaceted character capable of adapting to a variety of situations. In consideration of all fantasy characters across universes, Spindle’s versatility earns him a tough but fair 8/10 rating.


Spindle demonstrates remarkable adaptability throughout the series. As a mage, he wields his unpredictable Warren in battle, despite its chaotic nature. His ability to shift seamlessly between physical combat and magic is a testament to his flexibility. One of the defining moments of his adaptability is during the Siege of Coral, where he uses both his Warren and his skills as a sapper to disrupt enemy forces, even using munitions in tandem with his magic. Spindle is equally capable of facing direct combat, throwing a Moranth munition in one hand while casting magic with the other.

Additionally, his adaptability is tested not just in battle but in social and strategic settings. Spindle’s ability to navigate his role as a cadre mage, while also integrating himself into the camaraderie of the Bridgeburners, shows his ability to shift between different group dynamics. His participation in card games and survival tactics within the group reflect how easily he can adjust his role based on what is required at the time. Spindle's ability to move fluidly between these diverse skills, whether dealing with magic, explosives, or managing his role within a military squad, highlights his adaptability as one of his core strengths.


Spindle’s survival in the Malazan universe, particularly given the high mortality rate of the Bridgeburners, speaks to a significant amount of luck. While his skills undoubtedly contribute to his survival, it is also clear that fortune has favored him more than once. Spindle has survived numerous battles, including the disastrous Siege of Capustan, where many of his comrades fell.

While Spindle’s luck is not the defining factor of his character, it has certainly played a role in his survival. However, compared to some characters in fantasy universes who seem to have luck operating at a near superhuman level, Spindle’s luck is relatively modest but still significant.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

One of the most intriguing aspects of Spindle’s versatility is his possession of what could be described as a shaved knuckle in the hole. This phrase refers to a hidden advantage or secret skill that can turn the tide in dire situations, and for Spindle, this is his unpredictable magic. His Warren, though notoriously chaotic, is powerful in its own right. He has the ability to manipulate it in ways that catch enemies off guard, as seen during the Siege of Coral, where his magic caused panic among the Seer's demonic Condors by disrupting their animal hosts.

Spindle’s magical capabilities are not fully understood even by his allies, and this gives him an edge in many situations. The very unpredictability of his Warren, combined with his sapper skills, makes him an individual who can surprise even the most prepared adversary. While Spindle’s magical unpredictability may not make him the most reliable character in every situation, it does give him a unique advantage in key moments, making him an unexpected force to be reckoned with when the stakes are high.

Spindle's Alignment

Spindle embodies many traits that make him fall into the chaotic good alignment. His chaotic nature stems from his unconventional methods, unpredictable magic, and his role as a sapper and mage in the Bridgeburners, a notoriously unruly and independent group within the Malazan Empire’s military. Spindle operates outside the formalities of strict order or laws, using his ingenuity and adaptability to handle various situations. His unpredictability in wielding his Warren—a chaotic and disorienting form of magic—makes him a figure of spontaneity, often disrupting the order of the battlefield in ways that unsettle both enemies and allies alike.

Despite his chaotic nature, Spindle’s actions are driven by a deep moral compass and loyalty to those he cares about. His tendency to act for the greater good, particularly in defending his comrades, rescuing innocents, and standing up against corruption, showcases his good alignment. One key moment is when Spindle and Monkrat rescue children who are about to be sacrificed in the corrupted camp of the Redeemer's followers. This act of compassion, despite the dangerous circumstances, illustrates his willingness to protect the innocent and fight against evil forces, even when it involves breaking rules or operating outside traditional structures of power.

Spindle’s loyalty to the Bridgeburners is another element that reflects his chaotic good alignment. Though the Bridgeburners themselves are a disciplined military unit, they are known for their informal and often rebellious behavior, which Spindle fits into perfectly. His constant defiance of rigid military hierarchy in favor of a more practical, morally guided path further solidifies his place as a chaotic good character.

Spindle’s race as a human is less relevant to his alignment than his affiliation with the Bridgeburners. The Bridgeburners are a military unit within the Malazan Empire known for their fierce independence, camaraderie, and informal approach to warfare. This faction plays a major role in shaping Spindle’s chaotic tendencies, as they are often tasked with handling impossible missions and surviving through unorthodox means, including the heavy use of munitions, deception, and surprise tactics. The Bridgeburners, though part of a structured military, operate more like a rogue unit—reflecting Spindle's chaotic leanings, where outcomes often matter more than adherence to rules or protocols.

His good alignment is also reflected through his participation in missions that protect others, such as his involvement in defending the people of Capustan during the siege and his role in the Siege of Coral. Spindle consistently stands up against evil and oppressive forces, such as the Crippled God's minions, showing a clear preference for helping the weak and opposing malevolent entities, even when it puts him at great personal risk.

Spindle’s alignment as chaotic good is a result of his unpredictable nature, moral compass, and unconventional approach to achieving positive outcomes. His affiliation with the Bridgeburners enhances these traits, as the unit itself operates outside of strict lawful boundaries, often using chaos to their advantage. Spindle’s actions are guided by a desire to protect and help others, even if it means bending or breaking the rules, making him a prime example of chaotic good across the Malazan universe. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Spindle's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on Spindle and Position Across Planes of Existence

Spindle's ranking of 6.8 places him solidly above average in terms of fantasy character power level, especially when considering his unique combination of magical and martial abilities, strategic contributions to pivotal events, and the versatility he demonstrates as both a sapper and a mage in the Malazan Book of the Fallen universe. While Spindle is far from the most powerful character across all fantasy universes, his resourcefulness, unorthodox magic, and practical battlefield prowess set him apart from many lower-tier characters. His ability to survive in high-stakes situations and adapt to a variety of roles makes him a formidable figure in the chaotic landscape of war.

Spindle earns this rating primarily due to the interplay of his versatility and unpredictability, but there are a few limiting factors that keep him from achieving a higher score.

Spindle is a mage whose magic is notoriously erratic. While this can give him an edge in battle, it also means that his Warren—when unveiled—can create chaos even among allies. His unpredictability contributes to his success as a sapper but limits his overall ranking because he cannot always control or harness his magic with the same consistency as more powerful fantasy mages. Compared to higher-tier magic users in the genre, such as Gandalf or Elminster, Spindle's magical abilities are impactful but restrained by a lack of precision.

As a sapper, Spindle's talents lie more in strategic deployments, such as using munitions in battle, than in physical combat. He is competent, resourceful, and certainly capable of handling himself in battle, but his combat prowess is overshadowed by characters whose raw physical or martial skill places them firmly at the top of the power spectrum. For example, elite warriors like Drizzt Do'Urden or Conan the Barbarian vastly outmatch Spindle in sheer fighting capability.

Spindle shows impressive resilience, both physically and mentally, surviving the events of several battles throughout The Malazan Book of the Fallen. His hair-shirt, made from his dead mother’s hair, is a strange magical artifact that might contribute to his durability, and his longevity as a Bridgeburner speaks to his toughness. However, he does not possess the kind of regenerative powers or invulnerability that higher-tier fantasy characters often display.

While not the most brilliant tactician in the Malazan universe, Spindle does contribute to key moments that demonstrate his sharp thinking and resourcefulness. As a sapper, his ability to leverage explosives, ambush tactics, and munitions demonstrates solid battlefield acumen, though he does not rise to the level of iconic strategists.

Spindle’s membership in the Bridgeburners significantly enhances his power and survivability. The Bridgeburners are a battle-hardened unit known for surviving against overwhelming odds. This affiliation provides him with strong allies and a support system that amplifies his abilities in combat situations.

One of the major reasons Spindle can handle powerful enemies, despite his relatively modest individual power level, is the chaotic and unpredictable nature of his magic. This chaotic factor makes him difficult to predict and can be devastating in the right circumstances, even if it limits his control. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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