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Elder Scrolls Character Analysis: Sanguine

Race: Daedric Prince

Sex: Male

Faction: Myriad Realms of Revelry

Overall Rating: 6.9

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Sanguine, also known as the Daedric Prince of Revelry, Debauchery, and Hedonism, is a prominent and mischievous figure within The Elder Scrolls universe. As one of the seventeen Daedric Princes, he embodies the darker aspects of pleasure and indulgence, encouraging mortals to embrace excess in all its forms, from gluttony and sloth to lust and greed.

Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of Revelry, Debauchery, and Hedonism from the Elder Scrolls
Sanguine, the Daedric Prince of Revelry, Debauchery, and Hedonism

He is often depicted as a portly, crimson-skinned figure with a horned, demonic visage, usually accompanied by a bottle of wine or ale in hand, symbolizing his affinity for indulgence and festivity. Sanguine's influence extends to various spheres of mortal and Daedric life, tempting individuals into acts of debauchery and sin.

Who is Sanguine in The Elder Scrolls Lore?

Sanguine is a Daedric Prince whose sphere encompasses revelry, debauchery, and the darker desires of mortals. Known by many epithets such as the Lord of Revelry, the Blood-Made-Pleasure, and the Lord of Hard-Partying, his influence is not limited to mere frivolity. Sanguine delights in leading mortals astray, pulling them into lifestyles of hedonism and vice through temptation, pranks, and humiliation. Despite his role in encouraging immoral behavior, Sanguine is considered by some to be one of the "less malevolent" Daedric Princes due to his preference for indulgence over outright malice. His worship often involves rites that celebrate life's pleasures, though these can sometimes lead to dangerous or dark consequences for participants.

Sanguine's Appearance and Characteristics

Sanguine is usually portrayed as a rotund, yet muscular being with red skin, tusks, horns, and a perpetually mischievous grin. He can often be found enjoying a drink or participating in wild celebrations. His appearance symbolizes his dominion over excess and pleasure, with his bodily form reflecting the indulgent lifestyle he encourages. Notably, he controls over a thousand personal realms known as the Myriad Realms of Revelry, where revelers indulge in endless festivities, though these can be perilous for mortals who may find themselves trapped or even lose their lives while partaking in Sanguine's pleasures.

Where Does Sanguine Appear in The Elder Scrolls Games?

Sanguine has made appearances across several installments of The Elder Scrolls series, where his mischievous nature and penchant for indulgence often lead players into unique and humorous scenarios. His role in each game usually revolves around tempting the protagonist into some form of revelry or prank, offering rewards that embody his sphere.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Spoilers)

In Morrowind, Sanguine's presence is felt through a series of quests related to the Morag Tong and Mephala. The Daedric Prince was asked by Mephala for twenty-seven tokens, which the Dark Brotherhood subsequently stole. The Nerevarine, the game's protagonist, retrieves these tokens by systematically eliminating members of the Dark Brotherhood. Though Sanguine himself does not make a direct appearance, his influence is embedded in the quest's themes of secrecy, indulgence, and dark rituals.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – The Sanguine Rose Quest (Spoilers)

In Oblivion, Sanguine takes a more direct role. The player encounters him at the Shrine of Sanguine, where the Daedric Prince tasks the Hero of Kvatch with infiltrating a high-society banquet hosted by the Countess Alessia Caro of Leyawiin. The quest, titled "Sanguine," requires the protagonist to cast a spell called "Stark Reality" during the party, which results in all attendees, including the protagonist, being stripped of their belongings, causing chaos and scandal. Upon returning to Sanguine, the player is rewarded with the Sanguine Rose, a powerful staff capable of summoning random Daedric creatures.

The quest embodies Sanguine's modus operandi: inducing mortals to engage in acts that challenge social norms and incite embarrassment, reinforcing his role as the Daedric Prince who revels in the humiliation and sinful behavior of others.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – A Night to Remember (Spoilers)

Sanguine's appearance in Skyrim is one of his most memorable and widely recognized roles in the series. Disguised as a Breton named Sam Guevenne, he challenges the Dragonborn to a drinking contest, promising a mysterious prize if they succeed. The quest, aptly titled "A Night to Remember," ensues after the Dragonborn blacks out from excessive drinking, awakening in a temple to discover they have committed a series of pranks and questionable acts while under the influence.

As the Dragonborn retraces their steps to resolve the chaos they caused, they eventually find Sam in the Misty Grove, where he reveals his true identity as Sanguine. Pleased with the Dragonborn's participation in the night of debauchery, Sanguine rewards them with the Sanguine Rose, staying true to his nature by incentivizing indulgence and mischief. The quest serves as an exploration of the fine line between revelry and recklessness, allowing players to experience the consequences of excess in a humorous and lighthearted context.

What Are Sanguine's Artifacts?

The Sanguine Rose

The Sanguine Rose is the most iconic artifact associated with the Daedric Prince. It takes the form of a twisted, thorny staff that resembles a black rose. When used, the staff summons a random Daedric creature to aid the wielder, though its power is limited, requiring frequent recharging. The Sanguine Rose reflects Sanguine's nature by granting the wielder the ability to invoke chaos and unpredictability in combat. Its history is intertwined with numerous figures in The Elder Scrolls lore, including the Hero of Daggerfall, the Hero of Kvatch, Martin Septim, and the Dragonborn.

Sanguine's Red Hat and Other Relics

Beyond the Sanguine Rose, other artifacts and relics associated with Sanguine appear in lore, such as a red hat, which is thought to hold some connection to his power, though its exact properties remain largely obscure. There is also Sanguine's Reserve, a rare wine said to grant the ability to control the dead when poured over a corpse. Additionally, perfumes like Sanguine’s Rose are rumored to have aphrodisiac properties, further emphasizing the connection between his artifacts and indulgence in pleasure.

What is Sanguine's Role in the Cultures and Religions of The Elder Scrolls?

Sangiin, the Khajiiti Blood God

To the Khajiit, Sanguine is known as "Sangiin" or the "Blood Cat," a deity who represents bloodshed, pleasure, and the darker paths of life. While not considered inherently evil, Sangiin is believed to distract the Khajiit from their spiritual path through temptations of the flesh and blood. His worship is practiced in secrecy, often through hidden shrines and rituals involving blood and indulgence. Sangiin is also linked to vampirism among the Khajiit, with some believing he grants a form of immortality to his most devoted followers.

The Reachmen and Imperial Views

Among the Reachmen, Sanguine is a less prominent figure compared to other Daedric Princes, and his worship is not widespread. However, certain rituals and traditions may invoke him during celebrations that blur the line between revelry and sacrificial rites. In Imperial culture, particularly in Cyrodiil, Sanguine's worship can be traced back to festivals such as the Crendali Festivals and Carnaval, where acts of debauchery and pleasure are encouraged, albeit under the shadow of discretion.

What Are the Dangers of Sanguine's Influence?

While Sanguine's indulgent nature might appear harmless compared to other Daedric Princes, his influence can have dangerous consequences for mortals. Those who attend his endless parties in the Myriad Realms of Revelry often find it difficult to leave, sometimes succumbing to an overwhelming desire to remain. Mortals risk losing their lives, sanity, or even their souls if they fall too deeply into Sanguine's temptations. His cults, although typically non-violent, may engage in extreme acts such as ritualistic blood sacrifices or binding performers to endless service through sinister contracts.

Sanguine's Relationships with Other Daedric Princes

Sanguine is not without allies and enemies among the Daedric Princes. He is known to be allied with Vaermina, the Daedric Prince of Nightmares, due to the interconnectedness of their spheres—where indulgence often leads to twisted dreams and chaotic subconscious experiences. Conversely, he is opposed by entities such as the Benevolence of Mara, the House of Dibella, and Ebonarm, who represent more orderly or benevolent ideals. These rivalries highlight the chaotic nature of Sanguine's sphere, where freedom and excess are constantly in tension with discipline and purity.

Sanguine's Raw Power

Overall, Sanguine earns a score of 6.5/10 for raw power. His magical abilities are significant, allowing him to manipulate reality and summon powerful entities. However, his raw physical strength and direct combat skills are not as pronounced as some of the most powerful characters in the fantasy genre. His power is effective in creating chaos, influencing events indirectly, and conjuring magical aid, rather than in brute force or martial dominance.


Sanguine's physical strength is not his most prominent asset. As a Daedric Prince, he possesses inherent strength far beyond that of mortals, and can likely overpower even seasoned warriors in a purely physical contest. His physical form is typically depicted as a portly and relatively unarmored figure, which suggests that he does not prioritize brute strength in his encounters. While capable of delivering powerful blows with demonic resilience, his physical power is not the primary tool he uses to exert his influence or dominate in combat. Instead, he relies more on his magical abilities and trickery to overcome opponents.

Magical Ability

Sanguine's magical prowess is where his raw power truly shines. As a Daedric Prince, he has access to potent Daedric magic, which allows him to manipulate reality in significant ways. He can summon other Daedric entities, conjure powerful spells to confuse or incapacitate his foes, and even transport mortals to different realms, such as his own Myriad Realms of Revelry. His ability to shapeshift and disguise himself, as seen when he takes the form of Sam Guevenne in Skyrim, further showcases his mastery over illusion and transformation magic.

The Sanguine Rose, his iconic artifact, can summon Daedra to fight on his behalf, demonstrating his power to manipulate the forces of Oblivion. This staff exemplifies Sanguine's capability to call forth powerful creatures to bolster his raw power in combat situations. However, Sanguine's magic is often oriented toward creating chaos, indulgence, or revelry rather than destructive power. While he has the potential to wreak havoc, his spells do not reach the level of devastation seen from characters who specialize in pure destruction magic.

Combat Prowess

Sanguine's combat skills incorporate a balance of physical and magical techniques, but his prowess in direct confrontation is not his greatest strength. When involved in combat, he can summon allies or use magic to disorient his enemies, creating opportunities to avoid or end fights on his terms. His ability to manipulate reality can be used strategically in battle, as he may trap adversaries in revelrous illusions or conjure distractions.

However, Sanguine is not often depicted as a warrior who engages in extended melee or magical duels. He relies on cunning and magical tricks rather than overwhelming his opponents through direct combat. In contrast, other Daedric Princes like Mehrunes Dagon or Molag Bal exhibit more martial-oriented powers, making Sanguine less formidable in a straightforward fight. His preference for mischief and revelry over warfare lowers his combat prowess rating compared to these more battle-hardened characters.

Sanguine's Tactical Ability

Sanguine earns a 6/10 rating for tactical ability, with his strengths lying in his resourcefulness and the ability to exploit chaotic or indulgent circumstances to achieve his goals. His strategic thinking is adaptive and opportunistic but lacks the precision and depth seen in more disciplined tacticians. While his resources, primarily magical, allow for sudden and surprising shifts in smaller-scale scenarios, they are not well-suited for large-scale or sustained conflict. Thus, Sanguine’s tactical prowess is respectable but remains limited by his focus on revelry, manipulation, and chaos over direct military strategy.

Strategic Mind

Sanguine's strategic mind is not geared towards structured battle tactics or comprehensive long-term planning. He operates in a realm of unpredictability, often exploiting the chaotic nature of revelry and indulgence to his benefit. His tactics are more about setting the stage for others to act out his plans—whether by drawing mortals into his hedonistic realm or using trickery to make them question their desires and loyalties.

He lacks the meticulous foresight and structured planning exhibited by more war-oriented characters. In contrast, Sanguine’s approach is more freeform and improvisational, focusing on exploiting opportunities as they arise rather than setting out with a rigid plan in mind. Thus, his strategic thinking is adaptive but lacks the depth and precision seen in top-tier tacticians.


Sanguine exhibits considerable resourcefulness, particularly when using limited means to turn situations to his favor. His power to create illusions, manipulate desires, and cause distractions enables him to deceive or misdirect opponents, creating tactical openings in otherwise unfavorable situations. This adaptability reflects his strength in finding unconventional solutions to problems and turning the chaos of revelry into an advantage.

For example, his use of the Sanguine Rose, an artifact capable of summoning Daedric allies, demonstrates his ability to summon reinforcements at opportune moments. This capacity to conjure aid on short notice or shift the course of events through manipulation and deceit enhances his tactical flexibility. While this resourcefulness is significant, it is often more about capitalizing on a given moment than reshaping a broader strategic landscape.

Resource Arsenal

Sanguine has access to a unique set of resources, although they are not directly suited for traditional military or conflict-based scenarios. The assets in his "arsenal" are primarily magical in nature and are oriented towards influencing or manipulating others rather than direct confrontation. His artifacts, such as the Sanguine Rose, allow him to summon Daedric entities, giving him an edge in situations where summoning powerful allies can shift the balance. Moreover, his realm, the Myriad Realms of Revelry, offers an environment where he holds a home-field advantage, often bending reality to disorient or weaken intruders.

However, Sanguine does not possess a large standing army or a vast network of resources that could be marshaled for traditional tactical operations, unlike characters who command massive forces or wield entire realms' worth of military assets. The Daedric Prince of Domination, Molag Bal, for example, commands vast legions of enslaved souls and Daedra, giving him a significantly more robust resource arsenal for warlike purposes. Sanguine's resources are more selective, situational, and opportunistic in nature, rather than forming a well-rounded tactical arsenal.

Sanguine's Influence

Sanguine receives an 8/10 for influence, as he demonstrates significant capabilities in persuasion and the cultivation of reverence, with a solid degree of willpower that resists conventional forms of moral influence. His powers of persuasion are nearly unparalleled in scenarios where desire and temptation play a role, and his domain ensures a devoted following among those who seek liberation from restraint. However, his influence is not as effective on a massive scale and does not inspire the same level of fear or respect as some of the more dominion-focused beings across fantasy universes.


Sanguine's talent for persuasion is one of his greatest strengths. As the embodiment of hedonistic temptation, he can easily influence mortals and other beings to indulge their desires, often leading them astray. His powers of suggestion and subtle manipulation make him extremely effective in convincing individuals to act against their better judgment, engage in excess, or forsake their responsibilities. This power is not limited to verbal persuasion alone; Sanguine can create an atmosphere or reality in which indulgence feels irresistible, using illusions, enchantments, and other magical means to heighten temptation.


Sanguine commands a high degree of reverence, particularly from those who are already prone to indulgence, pleasure-seeking, or who are familiar with Daedric lore. Among mortals, he is respected, feared, or worshipped as a figure of liberation from societal constraints or as a symbol of unchecked hedonism. His worshippers often include hedonists, thrill-seekers, and those who reject conventional morals, all of whom are willing to offer devotion in exchange for freedom from restraint.

While Sanguine's reverence is notable, it does not reach the same levels as Daedric Princes associated with more existential themes like death or domination, such as Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon. These Princes command greater fear or respect due to their more forceful domains. Sanguine’s domain, while impactful, does not evoke the same level of existential dread or universal respect, limiting the scope of his reverence to a niche, albeit fervent, group of followers.


Sanguine’s willpower manifests in his resistance to outside influence, as his control over desire and revelry makes him less susceptible to being swayed by external forces. His embodiment of indulgence grants him a degree of autonomy over his actions, as he is not easily influenced by notions of morality, duty, or sacrifice. In fact, his resistance to conventional values allows him to remain steadfast in his pursuit of his domain's goals, even in the face of opposition. However, Sanguine’s willpower is primarily effective against attempts to impose conventional order or restraint on him. Against more subtle forms of persuasion or manipulation that do not rely on moral arguments, his willpower is not as pronounced.

Sanguine's Resilience

Sanguine's resilience earns a rating of 7.5/10, as he exhibits significant magical resistance and longevity typical of a Daedric Prince. His physical resistance, while above average, does not reach the levels of characters who embody warfare or brute physicality. His ability to resist magic and endure through time makes him a challenging adversary to permanently overcome, but he is not without vulnerabilities, particularly when compared to beings designed for combat resilience or possessing intrinsic regenerative abilities. This score reflects Sanguine's durability across different dimensions of resilience while acknowledging the limitations inherent to his domain of revelry.

Physical Resistance

As a Daedric Prince, Sanguine's physical form is not bound by the same limitations as mortal beings. His physical resistance is significantly greater than that of any human or non-supernatural creature. When manifesting in a corporeal form, he can withstand a considerable amount of physical damage, including blows from conventional weapons. His supernatural nature allows him to shrug off minor injuries and even regenerate from more significant damage over time, although his resistance is not as formidable as some other Daedric entities.

However, Sanguine's association with revelry rather than battle means that his physical resilience is not as pronounced as that of characters who are specifically tied to warfare or brute strength. While he is not easily subdued by physical means, his endurance in prolonged physical combat is not among the highest in the pantheon of Daedric Princes, making him more susceptible to sustained assaults or extremely powerful physical adversaries.

Magical Resistance

Sanguine's magical resistance is one of his most substantial traits, given his nature as a Daedric Prince. He is highly resistant to a wide range of magical effects, including spells and supernatural forces that would incapacitate or harm lesser beings. His resistance extends to enchantments, curses, and mind-affecting magic, making it difficult for spellcasters to exert direct influence over him. This ability is not absolute, but it grants Sanguine a significant edge when contending with powerful mages or other supernatural beings.

Compared to other magical entities, Sanguine’s resilience against magic is similar to that of other Daedric Princes like Sheogorath or Azura, who possess innate defenses against mystical threats. However, his resistance may not be as potent as that of beings whose very existence is tied to opposing magic or enforcing arcane laws, such as anti-magic guardians or certain deities of order. Therefore, while Sanguine's magical resistance is formidable, it does not render him entirely immune to powerful magical attacks or divine magic wielded by higher powers.


As an immortal Daedric Prince, Sanguine's longevity is essentially infinite. He exists beyond the constraints of mortal lifespans and is not subject to death in the traditional sense. Even if his physical manifestation is destroyed, Sanguine will inevitably reform in the planes of Oblivion, as his true essence is not confined to any single form or location. This characteristic gives him an advantage in terms of persistence, as he can continually return after seeming defeat, making it difficult to permanently eliminate his presence.

While his immortality places him on par with other Daedric Princes in terms of longevity, it does not grant him complete invulnerability. For instance, if Sanguine's realm or essence is disrupted through powerful magical artifacts or unique rituals, his recovery might be delayed or complicated. Nonetheless, Sanguine’s longevity ensures that he remains a perpetual influence within the multiverse, capable of resurfacing even after catastrophic events.

Sanguine's Versatility

Sanguine's versatility earns a rating of 6.5/10, indicating a respectable degree of adaptability and cunning, but with some limitations. His strength lies in situations where chaos and indulgence can be leveraged to his advantage, and he has a knack for turning unpredictability into an asset. However, his versatility does not extend as deeply into structured or highly disciplined environments. Additionally, while his luck and hidden tricks give him an edge in certain situations, they do not provide the same consistent advantage found in more combat-oriented or multifaceted characters. This rating reflects his ability to adapt across a range of scenarios while acknowledging the limitations imposed by his domain of revelry.


Sanguine's adaptability is one of his stronger attributes within the versatility category. As a Daedric Prince, he is not bound by the physical limitations of mortals and can appear in various forms to suit different needs. He often takes on a humanoid appearance but can adapt his manifestations based on the circumstances. This shapeshifting ability allows him to blend in with mortals, take part in their revelries, and subtly manipulate events to his advantage.

However, while Sanguine can change his appearance and methods, his core approach often revolves around excess, chaos, and indulgence, making it less suited for structured environments or situations that require precise and orderly responses. He may struggle when confronted with challenges that demand a more disciplined mindset or a rigid adherence to rules. For example, in a conflict where adherence to a code or hierarchy is crucial, Sanguine's chaotic nature can be a liability.


Sanguine's connection to revelry and indulgence does lend him a measure of luck, as he often finds himself in situations where things happen to go in his favor, particularly in chaotic or unpredictable environments. This luck seems almost supernatural, as he can often turn what appears to be a disaster into an opportunity for pleasure or amusement. In the midst of turmoil, Sanguine's ability to seize unexpected opportunities and turn unfavorable odds into advantageous outcomes speaks to his luck-driven nature.

However, this luck does not always manifest consistently. Sanguine's reliance on chaos and unpredictability means that while he may experience improbable successes, he is equally susceptible to setbacks when events do not align with his spontaneous nature. Unlike characters who embody luck as a defining trait, such as those blessed by fate or divine fortune, Sanguine's reliance on luck is more circumstantial, tied to his ability to create and thrive in disorder rather than any inherent trait of fortuitousness.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

Sanguine has some hidden advantages that could be considered his "shaved knuckle in the hole." Chief among them is his ability to invoke various forms of debauchery, which can disarm even the most focused opponents or disrupt carefully laid plans. His power over indulgence can manifest in enchantments or illusions that compel others to engage in revelry or lower their defenses. This capability can catch opponents off guard, turning a seemingly straightforward conflict into a scene of chaotic revelry, where Sanguine is most comfortable.

That said, while these hidden tricks are effective in specific contexts, they lack the universal applicability seen in other characters with more diverse secret advantages. For instance, a character with the ability to instantly heal from mortal wounds or perform a last-resort spell of immense power would have a broader range of situations where their "shaved knuckle" is impactful. Sanguine’s tricks are best suited for psychological or social manipulation rather than direct combat or other high-stakes scenarios.

Sanguine's Alignment

Sanguine is a Daedric Prince, one of the powerful and ancient beings who inhabit Oblivion, a series of otherworldly realms within the Elder Scrolls universe. As a Daedric Prince, he is not classified within the typical humanoid races like humans, elves, or orcs, but is rather a unique, powerful entity who represents specific aspects of reality—in his case, revelry, indulgence, and hedonism. The Daedra do not follow typical mortal distinctions, but Daedric Princes can be thought of as god-like beings with immense power and unique domains.

Sanguine rules over the Myriad Realms of Revelry, a section of Oblivion that reflects his nature of debauchery and merriment. Each of these realms can vary in its presentation, designed to tempt or indulge the desires of those who visit them. This realm serves as both a reflection of Sanguine's nature and a tool for him to manipulate mortals, allowing him to draw in and distract those who seek excessive pleasure.

Sanguine's alignment can best be described as Chaotic Neutral, as he embodies a philosophy that prioritizes freedom, indulgence, and the rejection of structure. Sanguine is inherently chaotic in nature. He does not adhere to laws, structures, or codes of conduct, and his actions often seek to subvert or disrupt established orders. His domain encourages mortals to lose themselves in indulgence, casting off social norms, responsibilities, or moral standards. He thrives in scenarios where unpredictability reigns, preferring environments where spontaneity and capriciousness can flourish.

This disregard for order extends to his attitude towards both other Daedric Princes and mortals; Sanguine often meddles in the affairs of the mortal world or his fellow Daedra purely for amusement or to create situations that bring about debauchery and disorder. Even when he grants favors or offers assistance, there are often strings attached that draw recipients deeper into chaos and revelry.

Though Sanguine leans into chaos, his alignment remains neutral on the axis of good and evil. His actions are not primarily motivated by malice or a desire to harm others, unlike more malevolent Daedra such as Molag Bal (Prince of Domination) or Mehrunes Dagon (Prince of Destruction). Instead, Sanguine's goal is to promote indulgence, excess, and hedonism, regardless of whether the outcomes are beneficial or detrimental to others.

For example, while Sanguine may tempt a mortal to partake in dangerous pleasures or lead them astray from their duties, he does not do so with the specific intention of causing suffering. His focus is on the act of indulgence itself, viewing harm or benefit as secondary outcomes. This neutral stance aligns with his role as a figure of revelry rather than outright malevolence or benevolence.

As a Daedric Prince, Sanguine's race and faction influence his alignment significantly. Daedra, especially the Princes, are not bound by mortal concepts of morality and tend to reflect extreme aspects of reality. Sanguine’s connection to revelry positions him away from more rigid moral structures. The very nature of being a Daedric Prince affords him power and autonomy that would make alignment with "lawful" traits incongruent.

The association with the Myriad Realms of Revelry further enforces his chaotic alignment, as each realm is a distorted and indulgent reflection of reality where rules are malleable, and desires come to life in unpredictable ways. Unlike other realms, which may emphasize order or dominion, Sanguine’s domain is built on breaking away from structure.

Sanguine’s identity as a Daedric Prince focused on indulgence, combined with his chaotic influence on mortal lives and preference for pleasure over strict morality, cements him as Chaotic Neutral in alignment. This positioning allows for freedom, unpredictability, and revelry, without the adherence to good or evil as primary motivations. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Sanguine's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
1 (2023-2024) #87 (of 107)

Overall Conclusion on Sanguine and Position Across Planes of Existence

Sanguine stands as a compelling yet paradoxical figure in the Elder Scrolls universe. With a rating of 6.9 (oddly fitting for a character so deeply associated with pleasure and excess), he is firmly positioned as a solidly above-average character, particularly among the vast array of powerful entities across various fantasy realms. While his score may seem low in comparison to his fellow Daedric Princes—many of whom wield powers of domination, destruction, or manipulation—it reflects a nuanced understanding of his character's complexities and the overall scope of his influence.

On the surface, Sanguine embodies the spirit of pleasure, excess, and merriment. His domain, the Myriad Realms of Revelry, serves as a playground for the hedonistic desires of mortals and Daedra alike. This aspect of his character positions him as a powerful influence on the mortal realm, as he entices individuals into experiences that defy societal norms and constraints. However, despite the allure of his domain, Sanguine’s inherent chaos and penchant for indulgence do not inherently translate into raw power or dominion over others. His effectiveness lies not in a structured hierarchy of control but in the sheer freedom he offers, allowing individuals to make their own choices—often to their detriment.

In terms of raw power, Sanguine may lack the direct, destructive capabilities seen in figures like Mehrunes Dagon or Molag Bal. While these Daedric Princes can impose their will on the world with brute force or dark manipulation, Sanguine's strength lies in his ability to create distractions and encourage mortals to indulge in their desires, sometimes leading to unintended consequences. This ability to influence the choices of others is noteworthy, but it doesn't reach the same level of control or devastation that other Daedric Princes can achieve.

Moreover, Sanguine's role as a Chaotic Neutral character also plays a crucial part in understanding his rating. While this alignment allows him to operate freely outside of moral constraints, it also limits his ability to forge meaningful alliances or wield power in a conventional sense. Unlike other characters who may work toward an agenda of chaos with a specific end goal, Sanguine revels in the chaos itself, which can sometimes come across as a lack of ambition in the traditional sense.

In summary, while Sanguine may not rank among the most powerful Daedric Princes, his impact and allure are undeniable. He is a character of contradictions: a powerful influence grounded in chaos, yet limited by his own nature. His rating acknowledges both his strengths and the unique position he occupies among the pantheon of fantasy characters, reminding us that even in the realm of gods, sometimes a good laugh—or a good time—is worth more than sheer power. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.