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Forgotten Realms Character Analysis: Manshoon

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Faction: Zhentarim

Overall Rating: 8.5

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Manshoon is one of the most dangerous and enigmatic characters in the Forgotten Realms universe. He is the founder of the Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, and has been a relentless schemer and power-seeker throughout the history of Faerûn. His legacy includes ruthless manipulation, grand ambitions, and a mastery of arcane magic that has allowed him to evade death many times, largely thanks to the use of his infamous clones. As the former lord of Zhentil Keep, Manshoon’s dark influence has spread far beyond the Moonsea region, leaving a lasting imprint on the political and magical landscapes of Faerûn.

Manshoon from the Forgotten Realms (Dungeons and Dragons) Universe
Manshoon, Lord of the Zhentarim (and Clones)

Who is Manshoon in Forgotten Realms?

Manshoon is a calculating and ruthless archmage, perfectly embodying the archetype of the villainous spellcaster. He is known for his ambition, his mastery of the Art (arcane magic), and his cunning manipulation of those around him. Manshoon’s ultimate goal has always been the accumulation of power, and he has shown no qualms about crushing his enemies, betraying allies, and eliminating rivals. His control over the Zhentarim solidified his position as one of Faerûn’s most influential and dangerous individuals.

With an extensive network of followers, spies, and assassins at his command, Manshoon has manipulated events from behind the scenes for centuries. His survival, even after numerous "deaths," is due in large part to his mastery of arcane magic and his ability to create multiple clones of himself—each imbued with his full knowledge and power.

What is Manshoon’s Role in the Zhentarim?

Manshoon founded the Zhentarim, a secretive organization also known as the Black Network, as a means to expand his influence and secure power across Faerûn. Initially, the Zhentarim was formed to control trade routes and create a shadowy empire of wealth and power. Manshoon was the driving force behind this, ensuring that the Zhentarim thrived by playing off rival factions, including the priesthood of Bane, and manipulating other power players to his advantage. Under his leadership, the Zhentarim became one of the most feared organizations in the Realms, with tendrils of influence extending into politics, trade, and war.

To protect himself and maintain his control over the organization, Manshoon surrounded himself with a cadre of powerful wizards known as the Black Cloaks. These wizards served as his personal agents, ready to execute his will or protect him from potential coups. His cunning leadership of the Zhentarim was a delicate balancing act—while he was always focused on advancing his own power, he was also careful to maintain the loyalty of the Black Network’s various factions, from Banite priests to merchants and mercenaries.

How Did Manshoon Create Clones and Start the Manshoon Wars?

Manshoon’s most infamous creation is not the Zhentarim, but the clones he made of himself. Ever wary of betrayal and death, Manshoon crafted numerous clones as part of a backup plan. When he was finally betrayed by his ally Fzoul Chembryl and a Banite lord, his death triggered the awakening of these clones. However, this plan backfired when the clones, each believing themselves to be the true Manshoon, became locked in a deadly conflict known as the Manshoon Wars.

The Manshoon Wars were chaotic and devastating, as clone after clone sought to destroy its counterparts. Faerûn was rocked by the resulting power struggles, and even the Zhentarim were fractured by the conflict. Eventually, only three clones survived. One of these clones returned to the Zhentarim, assuming a quieter role and serving as an adviser to Fzoul. Another clone, now a vampire, took control of the Night Masks in Westgate and pursued his own ambitions. The third clone sought refuge in Undermountain, beneath Waterdeep.

The survival of these clones ensured that Manshoon’s presence continued to loom over Faerûn, with each clone driven by the same ambition and lust for power as the original.

Where is Manshoon After the Spellplague?

After the catastrophic Spellplague, the already decimated ranks of Manshoon’s clones were further thinned. However, one particularly dangerous clone remained—a vampire lord known as Orbakh, ruling over Westgate’s Night Masks. While many believed the Manshoon Wars had come to an end, this version of Manshoon was far from defeated. From his stronghold in Stormwatch, he began to rebuild the Zhentarim in a new form, adding his undead thralls to the ranks of his dwindling forces.

Though the Zhentarim of this era no longer boasted the same vast network it once had, Manshoon’s ambitions were as relentless as ever. His primary goal became the conquest of the kingdom of Cormyr, and he sought to accomplish this through dark magic, manipulation, and the enslavement of noble minds. His vampiric nature gave him powerful mental abilities, allowing him to control the minds of those around him, making them unaware of their enslavement.

Manshoon also targeted Elminster, the Sage of Shadowdale, with whom he had long had a bitter rivalry. Their clashes during this period marked some of the most dangerous and powerful magical duels in Faerûn, with Manshoon even managing to temporarily destroy Elminster in one confrontation.

What Novels and Games Feature Manshoon in Forgotten Realms?

Manshoon has appeared in several novels and campaign settings, becoming a major antagonist in many stories. One of the most notable of these is Elminster Must Die by Ed Greenwood, where Manshoon confronts Elminster in a long-standing rivalry. Their battles, both in direct magical combat and in long-term scheming, have made Manshoon one of the most formidable and enduring foes of the Sage of Shadowdale.

In the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure, Manshoon returns as a major villain, giving players a chance to face one of his clones. His presence in the game reflects his ability to always remain a threat, even when one version of him is defeated. His near-immortal status, due to his numerous clones, ensures that players and readers alike must always remain wary of the dark lord.

Why is Manshoon Considered One of the Most Dangerous Wizards in Faerûn?

Manshoon’s mastery of magic, his ruthless cunning, and his ability to survive death through his clones make him one of the most dangerous wizards in Faerûn. His willingness to manipulate anyone and anything to achieve his goals, combined with his extensive knowledge of arcane magic, makes him a constant threat. The fact that even the Zhentarim, a feared organization in its own right, is under his influence adds to his fearsome reputation.

Despite the numerous times he has been killed or defeated, Manshoon’s legacy endures. His surviving clones continue to influence the course of history in Faerûn, each one as ambitious and dangerous as the original. His schemes, whether they involve taking control of the Zhentarim, dominating Cormyr, or eliminating Elminster, ensure that his presence will be felt in the Realms for generations to come.

Manshoon's Raw Power

Manshoon’s raw power is a testament to his mastery of magic and his cunning as a tactician. While his physical strength is negligible, his unparalleled magical ability and combat effectiveness make him a powerful force across the Forgotten Realms and beyond. Manshoon’s mastery of magic earns him a solid 8.5/10 in raw power, making him a formidable opponent for nearly any adversary but falling just short of the godlike entities that rule the upper echelons of fantasy universes.


In terms of physical strength, Manshoon is not particularly remarkable. As an archmage, his power comes from his mastery of magic, not from physical force. His body is frail, like most wizards, and without magical protection, he is physically vulnerable to attacks. Manshoon rarely relies on his own strength in combat situations, preferring to channel his magical abilities to manipulate reality around him. Therefore, in this subcategory, Manshoon scores quite low, as his raw, unaided strength is far from impressive.

Magical Ability

Where Manshoon truly shines is in his magical ability. His command of the arcane arts is nearly unrivaled. Manshoon is known for his proficiency in a wide range of magical disciplines, including the ability to cast powerful offensive spells, summon creatures, create illusions, and wield devastating necromantic forces. His greatest magical feat, perhaps, is the creation of his numerous clones. These clones contain Manshoon’s full magical knowledge, allowing him to persist long after his initial body is destroyed. This mastery of cloning and stasis magic means that Manshoon is almost impossible to permanently eliminate—a trait that elevates his magical power significantly.

In addition, Manshoon’s ability to manipulate the Weave (the source of magic in the Forgotten Realms) allows him to cast spells that can bend time, space, and reality. His long-standing feud with archmage Elminster showcases his formidable magic, as they’ve engaged in duels involving some of the most potent spells known in the realms. Manshoon is also adept at defensive and evasive magic, using spells like Teleport, Greater Invisibility, and Dimension Door to outmaneuver opponents in combat.

Combat Prowess

Manshoon’s combat prowess goes beyond raw magical strength. He is a master of battlefield tactics, often using his spells to manipulate the environment, weaken enemies, or gain a strategic advantage. His combat style focuses on efficiency and surprise, leveraging his magical expertise to strike down opponents before they can react. Manshoon has also demonstrated his ability to fight in complex scenarios involving multiple enemies, using enchantments, munitions, and magical traps to great effect.

His experience in the Zhentarim has further honed his combat skills, as he is often faced with assassins, rivals, and challengers. Manshoon’s ability to adapt to these situations and strike with precision is notable. However, he tends to avoid prolonged physical engagements and retreats when necessary, making him more of a magical tactician than a direct combatant.

Manshoon's Tactical Ability

Manshoon’s tactical ability is one of his most terrifying strengths. His ability to scheme, manipulate, and plan over decades while managing an empire like the Zhentarim makes him an extraordinary tactician. In comparison to other fantasy characters across different universes, Manshoon stands near the top tier of strategists, earning a high score of 8.5/10. While his reliance on magical resources and clone strategies may not elevate him to the level of cosmic manipulators, his cunning and foresight ensure that he remains a formidable threat in nearly any scenario.

Strategic Mind

Manshoon’s capacity for strategic thinking is nearly unmatched. As the founder of the Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, Manshoon did not merely consolidate power—he built an empire that spanned across Faerûn. His actions are always carefully calculated, often playing multiple factions against one another to achieve his goals. His manipulation of the Banites, the beholders, and even his own lieutenants showcases his skill in long-term planning. Manshoon’s capacity for playing the long game is evident in his mastery of the stasis clone spell, which allowed him to survive his "death" by his rivals and re-enter the fray with multiple versions of himself.

In conflict situations, Manshoon rarely engages directly. Instead, he controls the battlefield through his magical prowess, delegating tasks to trusted lieutenants, and using his clones and spies to spread disinformation. This ability to orchestrate and manipulate from behind the scenes speaks to his genius-level strategic mind. Manshoon is not simply a powerful wizard; he is a patient tactician who sees battles as pieces of a larger war, often allowing small losses if it means achieving his ultimate victory.


Manshoon’s resourcefulness is one of his most dangerous traits. His ability to adapt to any situation, manipulate his assets, and turn seemingly unfavorable situations to his advantage is a hallmark of his tactical brilliance. When his trusted lieutenant Fzoul Chembryl and Lord Orgauth turned on him, Manshoon did not merely rely on brute force; he activated a pre-existing network of clones, ensuring that no matter how many times his enemies thought they had eliminated him, another Manshoon would rise in his place.

He has an uncanny knack for leveraging powerful beings to his cause, including beholders, vampires, and even members of the Zhentarim who might otherwise despise him. Manshoon’s spy network is vast, and he ensures that he has eyes and ears in every corner of Faerûn. His ability to twist situations, ensuring that even in apparent defeat, he gains valuable information or resources, reflects his near peerless resourcefulness.

Resource Arsenal

While Manshoon’s personal magical abilities are formidable, it is his access to resources—magical items, artifacts, armies, and clones—that truly sets him apart. His power within the Zhentarim granted him near-unlimited access to the finest magical equipment, munitions, and armies that money or manipulation could buy. Manshoon ensured that his faction was not merely reliant on one type of asset. From controlling trade routes to maintaining powerful alliances with mercenaries and magical creatures like beholders, his resource arsenal is diverse and vast.

Manshoon’s mastery of the stasis clone spell, which allows him to continually come back from the dead, exemplifies the depth of his resource pool. His clones are fully equipped with his memories and magical knowledge, allowing him to essentially extend his existence and power indefinitely. This level of foresight and preparation is one of the reasons Manshoon is not just a competent tactician, but a truly dangerous one.

Manshoon's Influence

Manshoon’s influence is undeniable, particularly within the political and magical spheres of the Forgotten Realms. His ability to manipulate, command respect, and demonstrate ironclad willpower places him among the most influential figures in Faerûn. His final score of 8/10 reflects his significant yet somewhat limited influence compared to the absolute titans of the multiverse. However, Manshoon's legacy of manipulation, fear, and calculated ruthlessness ensures that he remains a powerful figure capable of shaping events and controlling the destiny of countless individuals.


Manshoon’s ability to persuade and manipulate others is formidable. As the leader of the Zhentarim, he recruited powerful allies, manipulated rivals, and coerced even the most dangerous beings into working for him. His silver tongue and cunning mind allowed him to sway wizards, priests, and even beholders to his side, despite the inherent danger these alliances presented. His mastery of manipulation ensured that he could bend others to his will without them realizing they were being used.

Manshoon’s persuasive power goes beyond simple charisma; he often plays on the desires and weaknesses of others, offering them what they most crave in exchange for loyalty. This is exemplified by his manipulation of Fzoul Chembryl and his dealings with the Banites, beholders, and even vampires. However, his persuasion is not infallible, as evidenced by the betrayals he suffered from within his own organization. Nevertheless, his ability to manipulate events and people to his advantage is a defining aspect of his influence.


Manshoon commands a high level of fear and respect across the realms. As the founder of the Zhentarim, his very name is enough to instill terror in his enemies. The Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network, became a symbol of ruthless power and ambition under his leadership, and even after his apparent death, his legend persisted. Manshoon’s reputation as a cunning and deadly mage preceded him wherever he went, and his mastery of dark magic and cloning ensured that no one could ever truly believe him dead.

Among those who serve or oppose him, Manshoon is seen as a figure of almost mythic power. His manipulation of the powerful beholders and his dealings with ancient creatures like vampires further solidified his status as a feared and respected leader. While his reverence may not reach divine levels, it is undeniably potent, particularly within the realms of Faerûn, where his name is synonymous with power and treachery.


Manshoon’s willpower is extraordinary, especially in the face of immense challenges and betrayals. Throughout his long and storied career, he has endured numerous assassination attempts, betrayals from within his own ranks, and even his own death. Yet, through it all, Manshoon’s resolve never faltered. His ability to rise again—literally through his stasis clones—demonstrates his unyielding determination to maintain control over the Zhentarim and his broader ambitions.

His willpower is also evident in his ability to suppress the inherent compulsion among his clones to kill one another during the Manshoon Wars. While many of his clones succumbed to this murderous impulse, Manshoon managed to outlast most of them, demonstrating not only his magical prowess but also his inner strength. His survival and continued influence after such chaotic events is a testament to his powerful will.

Manshoon's Resilience

Manshoon’s resilience is among the most formidable in the fantasy multiverse. His physical resistance is enhanced by his magical defenses, his magical resistance is nearly unparalleled, and his longevity ensures that he can never truly be destroyed. The ability to clone himself and return from death time and again gives him an edge over characters who rely on their singular mortal form. Manshoon’s resilience score of 9/10 reflects his ability to survive the most extreme threats, making him a nearly unstoppable force in the realms he operates in. While not physically invincible, his ability to recover from setbacks, both physical and magical, elevates him to a higher tier of endurance and survival.

Physical Resistance

While Manshoon may not be known for brute physical strength, his physical resistance is impressive, especially considering his affinity for dark magic and his mastery of various protective spells. Manshoon employs magical shields, wards, and counterspells to defend himself from physical and magical attacks, making it difficult to harm him directly in battle. His mastery of arcane defenses makes up for his lack of raw physical endurance, allowing him to withstand the onslaught of foes much stronger than himself.

Manshoon’s resilience against physical damage, though largely reliant on his magical prowess, ensures that he can endure in battle long enough to execute his more strategic or magical plans. While he is not a physically imposing figure, his magical defenses grant him an elevated level of physical resistance compared to many other characters, especially in the Dungeons & Dragons universe.

Magical Resistance

Manshoon’s mastery of the arcane arts gives him an exceptionally high level of magical resistance. He is capable of withstanding and countering even the most devastating magical attacks from powerful enemies. His use of counterspells, wards, and complex defensive magic protects him from being easily overwhelmed by magical assaults. His magical resistance is further enhanced by his deep understanding of both arcane and divine magic, giving him the ability to deflect or neutralize spells directed at him.

In particular, Manshoon’s ability to avoid magical death and his understanding of magical transference make him a difficult target for even the most powerful spellcasters. His resilience to magical damage is what allows him to survive in an incredibly dangerous world filled with other archmages, and it makes him one of the most formidable spellcasters in terms of magical defense.


Perhaps the most defining aspect of Manshoon’s resilience is his longevity. Manshoon’s stasis clone spell is legendary, allowing him to effectively cheat death by creating clones of himself that activate upon his demise. This strategy has allowed him to survive betrayal, assassination, and war, ensuring that Manshoon can continue to influence the world long after most other mortals would have fallen.

Manshoon’s longevity goes beyond mere survival—his clones allow him to continue his plans even after the original body is destroyed. Each clone retains his memories and ambitions, meaning that Manshoon’s enemies can never be certain that they have truly eliminated him. His clones also maintain their own sense of individuality, as seen during the Manshoon Wars, when his clones fought among themselves for dominance, proving that his resilience goes beyond his physical form.

Manshoon’s ability to perpetuate his existence across multiple bodies makes him one of the most resilient characters in fantasy. While many powerful figures can stave off death for a time, few can boast the same level of existential resilience that Manshoon possesses. His longevity, driven by his magical expertise and relentless ambition, ensures that he remains a constant threat, no matter how many times he falls.

Manshoon's Versatility

Manshoon’s versatility is one of his defining traits, enabling him to survive and thrive in numerous scenarios across different planes of existence. His adaptability is among the best in the fantasy multiverse, and his knack for keeping hidden advantages makes him an unpredictable and formidable opponent. While luck plays a role in his successes, his real strength lies in his ability to plan for every eventuality and adapt to even the most extreme setbacks.

Given his ability to operate effectively in so many different roles—wizard, schemer, leader, and survivor—Manshoon earns a versatility score of 8.5/10. His combination of magical power, adaptability, and strategic depth positions him as one of the more flexible and resourceful characters across fantasy universes, capable of navigating both immediate crises and long-term campaigns with equal prowess.


Manshoon has demonstrated exceptional adaptability throughout his long and tumultuous life. From building the Zhentarim to surviving multiple betrayals and even his own death, his capacity to adjust to rapidly changing circumstances is extraordinary. His stasis clones, a unique manifestation of his adaptability, allow him to sidestep permanent defeat by transferring his consciousness to a new body whenever one clone is destroyed. This foresight means that Manshoon is rarely cornered; even when his enemies believe they’ve won, he always has a backup plan in place.

Moreover, Manshoon’s ability to navigate complex political and magical landscapes underscores his adaptability. Whether it’s forming alliances with powerful entities like the beholders or infiltrating organizations to advance his goals, he excels in modifying his approach to suit the situation at hand. His long life and experience have taught him the importance of being flexible, which places him above many characters who are more rigid in their methods.


While Manshoon’s success is largely due to his cunning and magical skill, luck has also played a part in his survival. His ability to escape dire situations often borders on improbable, particularly when considering how many powerful enemies he has faced, from Elminster to Fzoul Chembryl. The fact that Manshoon has emerged alive, often barely, from situations that would decimate even the most skilled sorcerers hints at a remarkable tendency for luck.

That said, luck does not consistently play a primary role in his victories. Manshoon’s intricate planning and resourcefulness often minimize his reliance on random chance, meaning that luck is a secondary factor rather than the driving force behind his success. His magical precautions and strategic foresight ensure that he is not dependent on luck alone, but when it does come into play, it often swings in his favor.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

Manshoon is a master of keeping hidden advantages—his metaphorical "shaved knuckle in the hole." His most prominent example of this is the stasis clone spell, which grants him an unparalleled level of immortality and long-term strategy. This contingency ensures that Manshoon can continue his schemes even after his enemies believe they have destroyed him. The unpredictability of when and where Manshoon’s next clone might emerge keeps his enemies on constant edge.

Beyond the stasis clones, Manshoon has other aces up his sleeve. His vast arcane knowledge, connections to various magical and political entities, and an understanding of ancient, powerful artifacts make him difficult to pin down. Whether it’s aligning with powerful forces like the beholders or manipulating multiple factions, Manshoon always has secret reserves of power, knowledge, or alliances that he can tap into when necessary.

This trait makes Manshoon highly dangerous, as he can always pull out an unexpected move or advantage when the situation calls for it. His rivals can never be fully prepared for the extent of his schemes, making him a truly versatile player in the Forgotten Realms and beyond.

Manshoon's Alignment

Manshoon embodies the characteristics of a Lawful Evil alignment. His actions and motivations reflect a calculated, methodical approach to gaining power, with a strong focus on order, control, and domination—yet always serving his self-interest at the expense of others.

Manshoon’s deep commitment to structure and control is evident through his founding and leadership of the Zhentarim, also known as the Black Network. The Zhentarim itself operates as an organized and hierarchical faction that seeks to expand its influence across Faerûn through both legitimate and illicit means. Manshoon’s ability to build this vast network speaks to his preference for structure and order, but this order is primarily for his benefit. He manipulates rules and laws to cement his power, using the Zhentarim’s organization to control trade, magic, and other resources, as well as to destroy rivals. Manshoon thrives in an environment where laws and structures exist but seeks to bend or interpret them to his advantage.

Additionally, Manshoon’s reliance on calculated manipulation and his strategic mind highlight his lawful tendencies. He understands the necessity of working within systems, whether those systems are political, magical, or organizational. His ability to amass power within the Zhentarim, ally with powerful entities like beholders, and maintain a network of influence over long periods of time reflects his lawful nature, despite the malevolent intent behind his actions.

There is little doubt that Manshoon is evil, driven by self-interest and willing to cause pain, suffering, and destruction to further his own ambitions. He manipulates others with little regard for their well-being and routinely betrays even those close to him. His tendency to eliminate rivals within his own organization and use powerful magical means to crush opposition demonstrates a complete lack of empathy or moral scruples.

Manshoon’s evil is not chaotic or impulsive; rather, it is carefully calculated. He uses his vast knowledge of magic, his political acumen, and his manipulation of others to further his own goals, with little concern for collateral damage. His establishment of the Zhentarim, which spreads corruption, criminal activity, and violence throughout the land, is another testament to his malicious nature. His ultimate goal is domination and the pursuit of personal power, with no regard for the suffering or subjugation of others.

Manshoon fits the Lawful Evil alignment perfectly. He thrives on structure and power, building vast, organized networks like the Zhentarim to control and manipulate others. His evil nature, however, is driven by self-interest, ruthlessness, and a cold, calculating approach to achieving dominance. The balance between his lawful tendencies and evil ambitions makes him a textbook example of Lawful Evil—a character who seeks order, but only when it serves his purposes, and who is more than willing to crush others to achieve his goals. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Manshoon's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on Manshoon and Position Across Planes of Existence

Manshoon, with a rating of 8.5, holds a place in the upper echelon of powerful characters across the fantasy multiverse. However, this position reflects his standing as an individual who wields incredible magical prowess, tactical acumen, and political influence, without quite reaching the absolute zenith of power. Let’s explore why Manshoon deserves this high, yet not ultimate, ranking.

Manshoon's magical ability is his defining trait and arguably the most formidable aspect of his power. As a master of arcane arts, Manshoon has perfected countless spells, developed the stasis clone spell, and wields magic that can devastate entire regions or alter the balance of power in Faerûn. His clone wars alone speak to the magnitude of his abilities, where his mastery over arcane cloning allowed him to survive assassination attempts and wars that would have killed lesser mages many times over.

Another key reason for his high rating is Manshoon’s political and social influence. His leadership of the Zhentarim, one of the most feared organizations in the Forgotten Realms, positions him as a mover and shaker within his world. He has carefully manipulated powerful entities—such as beholders, Banite priests, and other spellcasters—to form alliances that extend his reach across Faerûn and beyond. His web of influence transcends borders, making him more than just a powerful wizard but a dangerous strategist. However, despite this impressive reach, Manshoon is still constrained by the limits of Faerûn and the politics of his world, as he has never achieved inter-planar dominance like other high-tier villains.

Manshoon excels at playing the long game. His lawful approach to acquiring and maintaining power allows him to be more deliberate in his actions than chaotic mages or warlords. The very survival of his clones and his resurgence after seemingly being "killed" multiple times demonstrate his tactical brilliance. He doesn't recklessly pursue power, but instead, patiently orchestrates events that further his influence while keeping himself out of direct conflict until necessary.

While Manshoon’s resilience is significant, especially due to his clone network, this factor alone is not enough to propel him to the absolute highest tier of power across the multiverse. Characters who can manipulate the fundamental forces of existence (such as time, fate, or reality) tend to occupy the very top, and while Manshoon is a master of arcane manipulation and strategy, his power is rooted more in his immediate environment and not the multiverse at large.

Thus, Manshoon is undeniably powerful, with immense magic, cunning, and influence, but he remains just below the likes of gods and beings that transcend dimensions and alter entire planes of existence. His 8.5 ranking is a testament to his place as one of the most dangerous mortals in the Forgotten Realms, capable of shaking the fabric of his world, but he falls short of being able to reshape the universe on a grander scale. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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