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Diablo Character Analysis: Imperius

Race: Archangel / Seraphim

Sex: Male

Faction: High Heavens

Overall Rating: 8.0

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Imperius, the Archangel of Valor, is a powerful and defining figure in the Diablo universe. As the embodiment of valor and a key leader in the High Heavens, his storyline threads throughout the history of the Eternal Conflict. From his appearances in various games to his commanding role in lore, Imperius’s personality and actions greatly influence the battles against the forces of Hell.

Archangel Imperius from the Diablo Franchise
Imperius, Archangel of Valor

Who is Imperius in the Diablo Universe?

Imperius is one of the five Archangels who serve on the Angiris Council, which governs the High Heavens. As the Archangel of Valor, Imperius embodies strength, bravery, and unyielding resolve. He is known for his uncompromising attitude toward warfare, leading the Heavenly Host in countless battles against the forces of Hell. With a firm belief that only through war can the High Heavens achieve victory, his leadership and decisions often blur the line between righteous valor and reckless pride.

Imperius’s leadership extends beyond his combat prowess. With Malthael’s disappearance, Imperius assumes a more dominant role in guiding the Angiris Council. However, his zealousness and often rigid approach have caused friction among his peers, most notably with Tyrael, the Archangel of Justice. These tensions set the stage for key confrontations in the Diablo series.

Major Appearances and Plot Points

Imperius has played a central role in several games and storylines within the Diablo universe. His key moments provide a glimpse into his complex character, from his unyielding valor to his struggles with pride and leadership.

Diablo III and the Reaper of Souls Expansion

Imperius makes his most prominent appearance in Diablo III and its expansion, Reaper of Souls. At the height of Diablo’s assault on the High Heavens, Imperius faces off against the Lord of Terror in an epic battle. Despite his initial confidence, Imperius underestimates Diablo’s newfound strength, having absorbed the essences of all seven Great Evils to become the Prime Evil. In this clash, Diablo nearly defeats Imperius, wounding the archangel and granting access to the High Heavens by destroying the Diamond Gates.

This defeat highlights Imperius’s overconfidence, as he underestimates the power of his enemies. Nevertheless, his will remains unbroken, and he continues to fight alongside the Nephalem against Diablo, though begrudgingly.

In Reaper of Souls, Imperius’s conflict with his former ally, Malthael, is a central plot point. Malthael, the former Archangel of Wisdom turned Angel of Death, seeks to annihilate all of humanity, viewing them as an existential threat. Imperius, though shaken by Malthael’s betrayal, knows that the Nephalem are the only ones capable of stopping him. This storyline reveals Imperius’s reluctant reliance on mortals, further fueling his disdain for their kind.

The Wrath Short Film

In Wrath, an animated short, Imperius is featured in a confrontation with Diablo during a battle in Hell. The two engage in a heated fight, with Imperius’s rage and valor tested by Diablo’s taunts. Diablo questions whether Imperius’s valor is merely disguised rage, mocking him for his aggressive nature. This battle reveals an important dimension of Imperius’s character, showing how his seemingly righteous valor often borders on unchecked anger, leading to rash decisions.

Storm of Light and Sword of Justice

In the novels Storm of Light and Sword of Justice, Imperius’s leadership continues to take center stage. His deep-seated arrogance and unwillingness to compromise create rifts within the Angiris Council, particularly as tensions rise around the handling of the Black Soulstone, the object that houses the essence of all the Prime Evils. In these works, Imperius’s frustration with Tyrael is palpable, as he sees Tyrael’s newfound mortal status as a betrayal of angelic values.

Sin War and the Fate of Humanity

During the Sin War, Imperius votes in favor of humanity’s annihilation, seeing them as dangerous nephalem descendants—beings who blur the lines between angels and demons. His staunch position reflects his black-and-white view of good and evil, showing little room for compromise or empathy. However, he is ultimately overruled by the Angiris Council, particularly by Tyrael, who sides with humanity. This decision deepens the rift between Imperius and Tyrael, with Imperius harboring resentment toward his former ally’s perceived weakness.

Personality and Traits

Imperius is defined by his unyielding valor, which shapes every aspect of his character. His tactical brilliance and martial prowess are legendary, and he leads the Heavenly Host with a steadfast hand. However, his valor often borders on arrogance and inflexibility. He is not one to compromise or see the value in subtlety or diplomacy. For Imperius, there is only war, and only victory through force.

This attitude makes him a divisive figure within the Angiris Council. His unwavering commitment to war causes friction with the more diplomatic Auriel and the contemplative Itherael. His relationship with Tyrael, in particular, is fraught with tension, as Tyrael’s decision to side with humanity creates a deep schism between the two. Imperius views Tyrael’s actions as a betrayal of angelic principles and believes that the only path to victory is through total annihilation of evil—whether it be demons or mortals.

Despite his flaws, Imperius’s valor inspires fear and respect in equal measure. His spear, Solarion, is a symbol of his power, and his very presence on the battlefield emboldens angels and strikes fear into demons. However, his reckless decisions, driven by pride and unchecked rage, often lead to disastrous consequences, such as his near defeat by Diablo.

Imperius in Other Media

Aside from his game appearances, Imperius is featured in several Diablo-related media, including comics, novels, and animations. His character remains consistent across these formats—fierce, proud, and unwilling to yield. His presence is felt throughout the lore of the Diablo universe, whether through direct involvement in battles or as a figure looming over the fate of Heaven and Hell.

In Heroes of the Storm, Imperius is a playable hero, bringing his fiery valor to the Nexus. His abilities mirror his iconic moves from the Diablo series, including the use of Solarion to impale and burn his enemies. His role in Heroes of the Storm solidifies his place as a fan-favorite character, known for his aggressive playstyle and high-damage abilities.

Imperius’s story is one of valor, pride, and conflict. His complex character, marked by an unwavering commitment to battle, positions him as one of the most formidable and influential angels in the Diablo universe. Whether as a commander leading the charge against Hell or a rival locked in eternal conflict with Tyrael, Imperius remains a central figure in the fate of Heaven, Hell, and Sanctuary.

Imperius's Raw Power

Imperius’s raw power is an awe-inspiring force that ranks him near the top of the power scale across all fantasy characters. His combination of sheer strength, immense magical ability, and combat skills make him a fearsome opponent. However, his overconfidence and occasional lapses in strategic thinking keep him from achieving the absolute peak of raw power. Nevertheless, his rating of 9/10 is a testament to his immense capabilities and formidable presence in any battle scenario.


Imperius’s physical strength is exceptional. As an archangel, his physical body is not bound by the limits of mortals. He has wielded his spear, Solarion, in countless battles, effortlessly dispatching hordes of demons and tearing through Hell’s armies. His feats of physical power are often depicted on an epic scale, such as when he led the charge through the Burning Hells, where he single-handedly decimated demonic legions. Imperius can cleave through multiple opponents in a single strike, and his resilience allows him to endure tremendous physical punishment, including direct attacks from Prime Evils like Diablo.

However, his raw physical might, though considerable, is not limitless. He often relies on his strategic positioning and leadership in combat to leverage his strength to its fullest. As a result, while Imperius is vastly stronger than the average fighter or even most fantasy characters, his reliance on his weapon and tactical prowess detracts slightly from his overall raw physicality.

Magical Ability

Imperius’s magical abilities are intricately tied to his nature as an angel and his weapon Solarion, which was forged from a dying star. His mastery over heavenly fire makes him a potent magical combatant, capable of unleashing devastating energy attacks that incinerate his foes. Imperius can summon flames of holy wrath, calling down divine retribution upon his enemies. Solarion itself is capable of releasing immense waves of fire that can burn away the very essence of demons, and Imperius has wielded these abilities to devastating effect on numerous occasions.

Furthermore, Imperius’s abilities are augmented by his innate power as an angel born from the Crystal Arch. His celestial nature grants him additional layers of power, enabling him to harness raw celestial energy in combat. His magical prowess is more focused on offensive applications rather than broad magical versatility, but in a combat scenario, this focus amplifies his destructive capacity.

Combat Prowess

Imperius is one of the most skilled warriors in all of creation. His title as the Archangel of Valor is a testament to his unmatched combat prowess, and his leadership on the battlefield has led to countless victories for the High Heavens. Imperius’s skill with Solarion is unrivaled, and he is capable of taking on both large groups of enemies and powerful individual foes with equal ferocity.

In direct combat, Imperius often displays an aggressive, relentless style, overwhelming his enemies with his strength and magical abilities. However, his pride and occasional recklessness in battle can leave him exposed. His impulsiveness in combat has been exploited by enemies like Diablo, and while he is rarely defeated, these lapses show a vulnerability in his otherwise near-perfect combat abilities. His raw power in battle is complemented by his strategic mind, but his occasional lack of caution slightly lowers his overall combat effectiveness.

Imperius's Tactical Ability

Imperius’s tactical ability is impressive, particularly when it comes to leading armies and executing large-scale operations. His vast experience as a military leader and his access to powerful resources make him a formidable strategist in most situations. However, his lack of flexibility and tendency toward rash decisions hinder his overall effectiveness. While his 7.5 out of 10 ranking is above many other characters in tactical ability, his reliance on brute force and his stubbornness prevent him from reaching the highest levels of strategic mastery.

Strategic Mind

Imperius’s greatest strength in the realm of tactical ability lies in his keen understanding of warfare and battlefield tactics. As the de facto leader of the Angiris Council, Imperius has led the forces of Heaven in countless engagements against the Burning Hells. He is a brilliant commander in traditional combat scenarios, orchestrating large-scale assaults and defensive maneuvers with precision. His leadership during the Great Conflict is legendary, with his decisive and bold strategies earning the High Heavens many victories.

However, while Imperius excels in military tactics, his strategic mind is often clouded by his pride and unwavering belief in his own righteousness. This rigidity limits his flexibility in adapting to unexpected situations, which has led to setbacks in more complex scenarios. For example, his reckless decision to confront Diablo in the Wrath storyline, despite warnings from his fellow archangels, ultimately compromised the battle and left Imperius wounded. His strategic ability is formidable, but his inability to temper his aggression detracts from his overall effectiveness.


Imperius’s resourcefulness is somewhat limited by his reliance on brute force and divine authority. In battle, Imperius prefers direct confrontation, using his overwhelming power and the might of the Heavenly Host to crush his enemies. This approach has proven effective in many scenarios, but it leaves little room for improvisation or creative problem-solving. Unlike characters who thrive on adaptability and clever tactics, Imperius often views war in black-and-white terms, favoring brute strength over cunning.

While he can command vast legions of angels and has access to celestial weaponry, Imperius is not known for leveraging unconventional assets or exploiting opportunities with ingenuity. His lack of adaptability was evident in his interactions with Tyrael during the Diablo III storyline, where his refusal to reconsider his stance on humanity led to a fractured Angiris Council. His resourcefulness is limited to situations where overwhelming force is the solution, and in scenarios requiring more subtlety or improvisation, he falters.

Resource Arsenal

Imperius’s access to powerful strategic assets is unparalleled in many ways. As the leader of the Angiris Council, he commands the armies of the High Heavens, and his personal arsenal includes his spear Solarion, a divine weapon forged from the heart of a dying star. Solarion is an incredible asset in battle, allowing Imperius to channel celestial fire and deal immense damage to his enemies. His command over the Heavenly Host gives him access to vast legions of angels, each of whom is a formidable warrior in their own right.

In addition to his physical resources, Imperius can draw upon the knowledge and counsel of the other archangels, though his arrogance often prevents him from doing so effectively. His refusal to collaborate fully with Tyrael and Auriel has, on occasion, diminished the full potential of Heaven’s combined strength. Nonetheless, his access to immense divine power and the armies of Heaven ensures that he can bring overwhelming force to bear on any battlefield.

Imperius's Influence

Imperius’s influence is significant, particularly among the celestial beings of the High Heavens. His commanding presence, vast experience as a warrior, and his role as Archangel of Valor ensure that he holds great sway over his allies, leading to a rating of 8/10. However, his lack of finesse in persuasion and his unwillingness to compromise in certain situations prevent him from reaching the upper echelons of influence. He is revered and respected but often misunderstood or feared by those who do not share his unwavering perspective.


Imperius is not known for subtle persuasion or diplomatic finesse. His leadership style is direct, and he often employs force or fear to impose his will rather than relying on charismatic persuasion. This approach is effective in controlling the ranks of Heaven’s angels, as they are bound by strict hierarchical obedience, but it limits his ability to influence beings outside of his immediate sphere.

For example, in the Sin War storyline, when the Angiris Council debated the fate of humanity, Imperius adamantly argued for the annihilation of the human race. His argument was clear and forceful, but he failed to sway Tyrael or other council members, who ultimately voted to spare humanity. This failure to adapt his rhetoric to appeal to more reasonable or emotional arguments reveals his weakness in persuasion. Though he can dominate others in combat, he struggles to influence their hearts and minds.


As the Archangel of Valor, Imperius commands a great deal of reverence. His mere presence on the battlefield inspires fear in his enemies and valor in his allies. His countless victories in the Great Conflict between Heaven and Hell have earned him respect among angels and demons alike, and even Tyrael, who frequently disagrees with him, acknowledges Imperius’s greatness as a warrior.

Imperius's iconic spear, Solarion, and his embodiment of valor grant him an almost mythic status among the angels. His exploits are celebrated in the High Heavens, and his leadership is largely unquestioned by those beneath him. However, his pride and hubris alienate those who do not share his absolute vision of righteousness. This flaw somewhat diminishes the reverence he commands, particularly from mortals like the Nephalem, who have grown weary of his black-and-white worldview.


Imperius possesses immense willpower, which is both one of his greatest strengths and one of his most significant weaknesses. His determination is unshakable, allowing him to face overwhelming odds without hesitation. This unyielding nature has allowed him to stand his ground against the Prime Evils themselves, such as his brutal fight with Diablo in Wrath. Despite being physically outmatched by the combined essence of all Seven Evils, Imperius fought valiantly and was only bested by Diablo’s sheer power.

However, his willpower can also become stubbornness. He is so resolute in his beliefs that he often fails to consider alternative viewpoints or solutions, leading to friction within the Angiris Council. His inability to compromise or adapt when circumstances call for flexibility is a major flaw in his leadership. Imperius’s iron will makes him resistant to external manipulation or mind control, but it also blinds him to the subtleties of politics and persuasion.

Imperius's Resilience

Imperius’s resilience is one of his most defining traits, allowing him to lead Heaven’s armies and face down foes like Diablo, the Prime Evil. His physical and magical resistance, combined with his effective immortality, make him one of the toughest figures in the Diablo universe. While he is not entirely immune to destruction, his ability to survive and recover from damage on both physical and metaphysical levels places him among the higher tiers of resilient characters across all fantasy universes. Imperius’s resilience earns him a high score of 8.5/10, reflecting his capacity to withstand physical and magical damage and endure through the most daunting existential threats.

Physical Resistance

As an archangel, Imperius’s physical resistance is incredibly high. He possesses an angelic body forged from celestial energy, which grants him immunity to many forms of conventional damage. His body is inherently more durable than that of mortal beings, and in battle, he can withstand assaults from demons, monstrous foes, and other powerful entities.

In one notable instance from Diablo III, Imperius fights Diablo—the Prime Evil—in his new, most terrifying form. Despite being grievously wounded and even impaled by Diablo, Imperius survives the encounter, retreating to fight another day. This level of durability shows that he can take massive amounts of damage and still recover enough to keep fighting. His legendary spear, Solarion, grants him an extra layer of defensive power by unleashing waves of energy that can burn away enemy attacks before they even reach him.

Magical Resistance

As an angelic being of the High Heavens, Imperius is not only physically resilient but also highly resistant to magical attacks. His celestial nature provides innate protection against dark magic, demonic sorcery, and corrupting influences. This resistance is essential for someone who frequently battles the demonic forces of Hell, where enemies often wield powerful spells and curses designed to tear apart souls and rend the fabric of reality.

During Diablo III, Imperius faces Diablo's true form, imbued with the essence of all the Great Evils. Despite Diablo's ability to corrupt and overpower others with sheer magical force, Imperius is one of the few beings capable of resisting this magic for a significant period before being overwhelmed by Diablo’s might. He has also shown the ability to withstand fear-based magic, such as when he confronted Iskatu, a demon prince who wielded a ring that instilled paralyzing fear in angels. Imperius's valor and magical resilience allowed him to resist this effect where others faltered.


Imperius's longevity is effectively endless, as he is an archangel born from the Crystal Arch, an immortal and unending source of power in the High Heavens. Like other angels, Imperius is not subject to aging, disease, or natural decay, making his existence perpetual unless his essence is utterly destroyed. This longevity is one of the reasons Imperius can continue to fight the Great Conflict over millennia without succumbing to fatigue or existential wear.

However, while Imperius is immortal, he is not invincible. As demonstrated in Diablo III, even angels can be destroyed under the right conditions. Though Imperius has survived wounds that would kill most beings, if his essence were ever entirely vanquished or if the Crystal Arch were destroyed, Imperius could cease to exist. Nonetheless, his resilience to existential threats is formidable, and Imperius remains an enduring figure, unyielding even in the face of overwhelming odds.

Imperius's Versatility

Imperius’s versatility is limited by his rigid nature and singular focus on valor. While he is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, his lack of adaptability and reliance on brute strength over flexibility in decision-making constrain his overall versatility. His raw power and mastery of Solarion grant him an edge in combat, but when faced with complex, shifting situations or challenges that require flexibility, Imperius often falters. As such, while he remains a powerful figure within the Diablo universe, his versatility ranks at a modest 7/10 in comparison to more adaptive and resourceful characters across the multiverse.


Imperius’s adaptability is one of his weaker points as a character. He is an archangel driven by an unwavering sense of duty and a rigid understanding of valor. His stubborn adherence to his principles means that he often struggles to adjust when situations call for flexibility or nuanced approaches. As the embodiment of Valor, Imperius sees the world in binary terms—right versus wrong, good versus evil—and has little patience for gray areas or morally ambiguous choices.

In the Diablo universe, this rigidity becomes evident during the Sin War, where Imperius adamantly argues for the eradication of humanity, viewing them as demonic abominations. His inability to see the potential for humanity’s redemption shows his lack of adaptability in dealing with complex issues. In Diablo III, when Diablo invades the High Heavens, Imperius is again slow to adapt to new threats, refusing to work with Tyrael and the Nephalem even when it becomes clear that only a united effort can defeat Diablo.


Imperius does not rely on luck to succeed in battle; instead, he forges his path through sheer power and unwavering valor. However, while luck is not a central element of his combat style, his survival in battles against impossible odds could suggest some form of fortuitousness. For example, his narrow escape from being killed by Diablo in Diablo III could be seen as a stroke of luck—despite being grievously injured, Imperius teleports away and lives to fight another day.

That said, Imperius’s overconfidence and impulsive nature often lead him into dangerous situations where luck alone is not enough to save him. His reliance on his strength and his stubbornness to adapt or change course usually mean that luck plays a secondary role in his victories.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

The “Shaved Knuckle in the Hole” subcategory refers to a character’s possession of a secret advantage or hidden skill that can be used as a last resort. Imperius’s trump card lies in his spear, Solarion, which he forged from the heart of a dying star. Solarion is a devastating weapon that can burn away the disguises of demons and obliterate foes with powerful celestial energy. In the face of overwhelming odds, Imperius’s mastery of Solarion has turned the tide of battle countless times, allowing him to strike down enemies with a power few others can match.

In the Diablo III: Wrath cinematic, Solarion is showcased as Imperius’s ultimate weapon, piercing through legions of demons and allowing him to battle even the Prime Evil Diablo. This celestial weapon provides Imperius with a potent last-resort advantage when other tactics have failed. However, while Solarion is a powerful tool, it is not a hidden advantage in the sense that Imperius often flaunts its power openly. Therefore, while it is a formidable weapon, it lacks the element of surprise typically associated with a “shaved knuckle.”

Imperius's Alignment

Imperius is not driven by compassion or a sense of moral good. Instead, his motivation stems from his belief that the order of the High Heavens must be preserved, and anything that threatens that order—whether human, demon, or fellow angel—must be eradicated. This strict approach to valor often makes him a force of judgment and punishment, unflinching and even ruthless. For example, during the Sin War, he argued for the complete annihilation of humanity, seeing them as an aberration that should not exist, showing his willingness to destroy even sentient beings that fall into a gray area.

On the battlefield, Imperius upholds the laws of war with severe precision, never questioning his purpose or doubting his methods. He has been known to clash with fellow angels, particularly Tyrael, who defected to fight alongside mortals. These conflicts arise because Imperius cannot tolerate what he perceives as disobedience to the law of Heaven. His unwillingness to adapt to changing circumstances, particularly in how the Nephalem and humanity evolve, demonstrates that he is driven by law over emotion or moral philosophy.

Imperius’s neutrality comes into play through his lack of personal morality when making decisions. His dedication to the cause of valor is rooted in duty rather than in benevolence or malevolence. For him, a foe is a foe, whether they are a demon, a human, or a rogue angel. His alignment reflects his adherence to order above all else, without regard for the consequences on a moral scale.

In terms of his race, as an angel born of the Crystal Arch and a member of the Angiris Council, Imperius represents the highest order of law and structure in the cosmos. The High Heavens are a place of absolute order, and Imperius stands as its fiercest defender. His faction, the angels, are tasked with maintaining cosmic balance, and his role as the Archangel of Valor places him at the forefront of this duty. Yet his faction’s rigid focus on this cosmic structure often blinds him to moral complexities, keeping him neutral rather than leaning toward a "good" or "evil" alignment.

Imperius’s alignment is best defined as Lawful Neutral. His strict adherence to the laws and valor of the High Heavens, his unyielding judgment against any perceived threat, and his neutral stance on morality make him a compelling character who embodies the ideals of order over good or evil. His alignment is deeply rooted in the rigid structures of Heaven, and while he is a hero of great power, his lack of flexibility and neutrality in moral conflicts make him one of the more enigmatic and complex figures in the Diablo universe. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Imperius's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on Imperius and Position Across Planes of Existence

Imperius, Archangel of Valor, has earned an 8 out of 10 in power ranking across the vast range of fantasy universes. While this score places him in the upper echelon of powerful characters, it reflects a balanced assessment of his abilities and limitations. As the greatest warrior in Heaven and leader of the Angiris Council, Imperius commands immense respect among angels and mortals alike. His abilities, including immense physical prowess, combat expertise, and mastery over celestial powers, make him a formidable figure. However, certain limitations prevent him from reaching the absolute pinnacle of fantasy power.

First and foremost, Imperius’s physical might and combat prowess are undeniable. His legendary spear, Solarion, forged in the heart of a dying star, is an instrument of devastation that he has wielded in countless battles against the forces of Hell. He has personally led the Heavenly Host to victory in the Great Conflict, repelled Hell’s sieges, and engaged in brutal combat with demons such as Diablo and his Prime Evil form. Imperius’s combat abilities alone place him among the most powerful warriors in any plane of existence. However, raw physical strength and combat effectiveness are not the sole determinants of supremacy in the multiverse.

While Imperius excels in physical combat and wields vast celestial power, his over-reliance on Valor as his guiding principle introduces vulnerability. Imperius is driven by an unwavering belief in justice and righteousness, but this rigidity often blinds him to the complexities of situations. His refusal to compromise or adapt, even when faced with morally ambiguous choices, has led to strategic missteps. For instance, during the Sin War, Imperius voted to eradicate humanity rather than consider their potential. This inflexibility hinders his effectiveness as a leader in nuanced situations, diminishing his overall impact in conflicts that require more than sheer force.

Imperius also suffers from emotional volatility, which has been a consistent weakness. His pride and rage, as seen in his battle with Diablo, can make him reckless and cause him to make decisions clouded by emotion. Valor, though a powerful virtue, can transform into unchecked aggression in Imperius’s case. In fact, Diablo himself exploited Imperius’s temper, goading him into rash actions. The Archangel’s inability to fully control his emotions in battle leaves him vulnerable to manipulation by cunning adversaries. In a universe where tactical flexibility and mental fortitude are crucial, Imperius’s lack of control slightly diminishes his ranking.

Despite these shortcomings, Imperius remains a powerful force in the Diablo universe and across fantasy realms. His resilience in surviving Diablo’s invasion of the High Heavens and his participation in defending Heaven against demonic forces showcase his endurance. Yet, compared to characters with broader power sets, strategic adaptability, and greater influence over creation itself, Imperius does not reach the highest tier of transcendent beings.

Ultimately, Imperius is a supreme warrior and defender of cosmic order, deserving of his ranking within the top tier of fantasy characters. However, his inability to adapt and his reliance on pure force rather than deeper strategic thinking place him slightly below the very top tier of reality-shaping entities. With an 8 out of 10, Imperius stands as a powerful but flawed figure, whose dedication to valor and order defines both his strength and his limitations. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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