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LotR Character Analysis: Watcher in the Water

Race: Nameless Thing

Sex: Unknown

Faction: None

Overall Rating: 6.1

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Arena Status: Active (S2)

The Watcher in the Water is one of J.R.R. Tolkien's more mysterious and chilling creations, a monstrous entity that guards the West-gate of Moria in "The Lord of the Rings." Residing in a dark, stagnant pool, this creature with its many tentacles strikes fear into the Fellowship of the Ring during their perilous journey.

The Watcher in the Water from the Lord of the Rings
The Watcher in the Water

Historical Presence

First mentioned explicitly in "The Fellowship of the Ring," the Watcher in the Water makes its terrifying appearance in the chapter "A Journey in the Dark." It is described as having numerous luminous, pale-green tentacles that it uses to attack Frodo Baggins and the rest of the Fellowship as they attempt to enter the Mines of Moria. The creature's origins and the full extent of its form remain largely unknown, adding to its enigmatic and fearsome nature.

The Watcher's Attack on the Fellowship

As the Fellowship tries to solve the riddle of the Doors of Durin, the creature is provoked by a stone thrown into the water by Boromir. In a moment of high tension, it seizes Frodo with its tentacles, nearly dragging him into the lake. Samwise Gamgee's brave intervention saves Frodo, but the situation escalates rapidly as more tentacles surface and attack. The Watcher's actions lead to the sealing of the entrance to Moria, forcing the Fellowship to venture into the dark depths of the mines.

The Watcher's Menace

Tolkien vividly captures the terror of the encounter through his descriptions and the reactions of the characters. One notable quote from the scene is:

"Out from the water a long sinuous tentacle had crawled; it was pale-green and luminous and wet. Its fingered end had hold of Frodo’s foot, and was dragging him into the water."

Speculations on the Watcher's Origins

Gandalf hints at the mysterious origins of the Watcher, suggesting it may have come from deep underground, drawn to the surface by the disturbances caused by the Fellowship and perhaps by the presence of the One Ring. The exact nature of the Watcher is never clarified by Tolkien, leading to various theories, including that it might be one of the ancient, nameless creatures that lurk in the world's darker corners.

The Watcher's Role in Tolkien's Mythology

The Watcher in the Water is not just a simple obstacle; it is a gatekeeper, a guardian of the threshold that the Fellowship must pass. Its presence at the gates of Moria symbolizes the unknown and unforeseen challenges that lie ahead. It also serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive influence of darkness within Middle-earth, guarding a realm that has fallen into shadow and ruin.

The Fate of the Watcher

Post the Fellowship's encounter, the fate of the Watcher in the Water remains uncertain. It does not appear again in the narrative, leaving its ultimate destiny to the imagination of the readers. The lack of a definitive end adds to the creature’s mystique and the lore surrounding Moria.

The Watcher in the Water remains one of the most compelling and mysterious creatures in Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." Its brief yet memorable appearance continues to intrigue and horrify readers and viewers alike, securing its place as a significant symbol of the perilous unknown that defines the epic journey of the Fellowship.

Watcher in the Water's Raw Power

The Watcher in the Water exemplifies considerable raw power, warranting a rating of 7.5 out of 10 when compared across all fantasy universes.


The physical might of the Watcher is evident through its ability to manipulate multiple heavy objects and its environment. The creature’s tentacles, capable of exerting great force, managed to close the massive gates of Moria with ease, indicating significant muscular power. This feat not only demonstrates raw strength but also the ability to apply this power in practical scenarios, such as combat or manipulating its surroundings.

Magical Ability

While not explicitly described as magical, the Watcher's abilities border on supernatural. Its sudden appearance and the effects it has on the environment, like causing the water to boil and exuding a hideous stench, suggest an innate power that could be considered magical in nature. This section is more speculative, as Tolkien does not provide explicit details of magical prowess like spell-casting or elemental control typically found in fantasy creatures endowed with magical abilities.

Combat Prowess

The combat effectiveness of the Watcher in the Water is prominently displayed during its brief engagement with the Fellowship. The creature’s use of its tentacles to seize and attempt to pull a member of the Fellowship into the water illustrates a strategic approach to combat, targeting arguably the most vulnerable member first. The rapid deployment of multiple tentacles, capable of coordinated attack and defense maneuvers, further showcases its adeptness in combat situations, combining strength with tactical use of its natural form.

Watcher in the Water's Tactical Ability

The Watcher in the Water exhibits a range of behaviors that highlight its tactical acumen in specific scenarios, particularly during its encounter with the Fellowship at the gates of Moria. This entity’s tactics, though not as expansive or versatile as characters renowned for their strategic genius across various fantasy universes, still demonstrate a noteworthy level of planning and execution in its limited appearances. Therefore, it earns a tactical ability rating of 6.5 out of 10.

Strategic Mind

The Watcher’s strategic capabilities are indirectly observed through its actions during critical moments. Its timing in attacking the Fellowship, precisely when the group was distracted by the puzzle of the West-gate, shows a calculated decision to strike at a moment of vulnerability. This implies a rudimentary understanding of timing and opportunity in combat scenarios, albeit based more on instinct than on any discernible long-term planning.


Resourcefulness in the context of the Watcher in the Water refers to its ability to utilize its immediate environment and inherent physical attributes to its advantage. The creature uses the murky waters of its pool to remain concealed, striking unexpectedly with its tentacles, which it can manipulate with considerable precision. This ability to blend with its surroundings and use the element of surprise constitutes its primary method of overcoming challenges, suggesting an innate resourcefulness tailored to its unique living conditions.

Resource Arsenal

Given the limited interactions and the specific nature of its habitat, the Watcher does not display a wide range of resources beyond its physical attributes. Its arsenal is primarily its tentacles, used both for attack and manipulation of the environment, as seen when it locks the gate of Moria. The lack of variety in its methods, however, does not detract from the effectiveness with which it employs its available tools during confrontations.

Watcher in the Water's Influence

The Watcher in the Water presents a unique challenge when assessing its influence. The Watcher's influence is largely confined to its immediate surroundings and interactions. Given its limited scope compared to other characters in fantasy universes known for their extensive influence, the Watcher earns a rating of 3.0 out of 10 in this category.


The Watcher in the Water exhibits no capability for verbal communication or persuasion in the traditional sense. It does not engage in dialogue or any form of interpersonal interaction that could be classified as persuasive. Its interactions are purely physical and instinctual, centered around its territorial instincts rather than any form of negotiation or influence through charisma.


In terms of reverence, the Watcher instills a significant amount of fear and respect, primarily through its mysterious and terrifying presence. Those who encounter it, such as the Fellowship, react with immediate concern and alarm, indicative of the creature's ability to command attention and instill fear purely through its physical presence. However, this reverence is born out of fear rather than admiration or respect for leadership or achievements, which limits its scope when compared to other fantasy figures known for their revered status.


The Watcher's willpower, while difficult to quantify in human terms, can be inferred from its determined attack on the Fellowship and its resistance to leaving its lair despite injury. This suggests a strong instinctual drive to protect its territory and challenge intruders. However, this is more a demonstration of animalistic survival instinct than a nuanced expression of willpower against external influences such as manipulation or control, which are typical measures in more sentient characters.

Watcher in the Water's Resilience

The Watcher in the Water stands as a mysterious and formidable creature whose resilience is noteworthy. While its specific origins and the full extent of its capabilities remain largely unexplored, the available accounts of its encounters provide sufficient data to assess its resilience. Given its demonstrated survival abilities and recovery capacities, the Watcher in the Water is rated at 7.5 out of 10 for its resilience.

Physical Resistance

The Watcher in the Water exhibits significant physical resistance. This creature’s ability to endure direct combat with armed and skilled members of the Fellowship, including Aragorn and Boromir, highlights its robust physical defenses. During the engagement at the gates of Moria, it managed to sustain multiple attacks without apparent distress or retreat, indicating a high level of endurance. Its physical makeup, likely akin to that of cephalopods with highly muscular and regenerative tentacles, suggests an advanced capacity to withstand physical trauma.

Magical Resistance

While there is no explicit evidence of the Watcher in the Water resisting magical attacks, its ability to thrive in a magically charged environment like Middle-earth—and near ancient, mystical sites such as the doors of Moria—suggests a natural resilience to background magical forces. Moreover, the fact that it wasn't deterred by Gandalf's presence or dissuaded by his powers indirectly supports its fortitude against magical influences, though this is more speculative.


The longevity of the Watcher in the Water is implied rather than explicitly detailed. Its presence in the dark pool outside Moria seems long-standing, possibly extending back to the early days of the Dwarves' decline in the area. The creature's survival over such a lengthy period, coupled with its ability to adapt to the environmental changes caused by the damming of the Sirannon, speaks to its significant lifespan and ability to thrive under less than favorable conditions. This attribute of longevity is crucial in evaluating its overall resilience, as it suggests a creature capable of enduring through ages and recovering from environmental shifts that might permanently impact or displace other species.

Watcher in the Water's Versatility

Positioned beneath the western walls of Moria, this creature's interactions showcase a range of abilities that suggest a moderate level of versatility. Given the breadth of its demonstrated skills and its adaptability to environmental and combat challenges, the Watcher in the Water is rated at 6.0 out of 10 for its versatility. This rating acknowledges its capabilities while also noting the limitations imposed by its environment and the lack of broader engagement with different scenarios.


The Watcher in the Water exhibits significant adaptability, primarily evidenced by its ability to survive and function within the stagnant, dark pool outside Moria. This environment, drastically altered by the damming of the Sirannon river, likely required considerable adaptation from the creature, possibly over an extended period. Its ability to manipulate its surroundings—evident from the way it interacts with the Fellowship by blocking the entrance to Moria—demonstrates an adaptive use of physical capabilities to influence its immediate environment.


Assessing the 'Luck' of such a creature is challenging due to the mystical and ambiguous nature of its existence. However, the fortuitous timing of its encounters, such as capturing Óin and attacking the Fellowship precisely when they attempt to enter Moria, could be construed as a form of serendipitous timing. This suggests an element of luck or at least an opportunistic use of timing, contributing to its effectiveness as a guardian or deterrent at the gate.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

The 'Shaved Knuckle in the Hole'—a secret advantage or hidden skill—of the Watcher in the Water could be considered its sudden and unexpected ability to engage with multiple targets simultaneously. This capability was notably displayed during the attack on the Fellowship, where it managed to disrupt their entry without prior warning and with substantial force. Additionally, the Watcher's ability to close the gates of Moria, effectively using its environment as a weapon against intruders, stands as a strategic use of hidden skills not immediately apparent to its adversaries.

Watcher in the Water's Alignment

The Watcher in the Water is noted for its many tentacles, which are described as pale-green, luminous, and capable of great strength and dexterity. The full extent of the creature's body or origin is unknown, adding to its enigmatic nature. The Watcher plays a crucial role in the narrative, displaying not only physical power but also a strategic use of its environment to trap the group inside the mines.

The Watcher in the Water's actions suggest a chaotic alignment. It does not adhere to any observable rules or systems of order. Its sudden and violent attack on the Fellowship appears driven by instinct or territorial aggression rather than any governed system or command. This unpredictable and independent behavior aligns with a chaotic nature, where actions are primarily driven by inherent will or the creature's immediate desires.

Determining the moral alignment of the Watcher is challenging due to its ambiguous nature and the lack of insight into its motivations. However, its actions do not explicitly demonstrate malice for evil's sake nor any benevolence. The Watcher seems to act out of instinct or a natural drive to defend its territory, which suggests a neutral alignment. It does not show any affiliation with the known evil forces of Middle-earth, such as Sauron or Morgoth, nor does it display altruistic qualities.

The Watcher in the Water can be classified as Chaotic Neutral. This creature acts independently of moral or societal rules, driven by primal instincts or the need to control its immediate surroundings. Its alignment reflects its role as a guardian or obstacle in the narrative, acting according to its nature rather than a moral decision-making process. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

The Watcher's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on the Watcher in the Water and Position Across Planes of Existence

The Watcher in the Water has been given a power level rating of 6.1 on a scale from 1 to 10. This rating places it slightly above the average when compared across a wide range of fantasy universes. The Watcher's abilities, while formidable within its specific context near the West-gate of Moria, display limitations when juxtaposed against a broader spectrum of fantastical entities known for their power and influence.

The Watcher in the Water demonstrates considerable physical strength, primarily through its multiple tentacles capable of manipulating and exerting force on objects and beings. It successfully ambushed the Fellowship with significant prowess, showcasing its ability to control the immediate environment. However, its physical manifestations seem confined to its aquatic realm, limiting its impact compared to more versatile creatures in fantasy literature that exhibit power on a larger scale or across multiple environments.

Unlike many high-ranking entities in fantasy that wield vast magical powers, the Watcher shows no explicit use of magic. Its abilities seem biological rather than mystical, involving physical strength and perhaps some innate ability to affect its immediate surroundings. This absence of clear magical prowess positions it lower compared to universally powerful beings like wizards, demigods, or dragons who command elemental forces or reality-bending spells.

The Watcher's influence appears strictly localized to the pool and gate area of Moria. Unlike entities in other universes that command armies, cast wide-reaching spells, or manipulate political landscapes, the Watcher's impact is geographically and contextually restricted. This limitation significantly affects its rating, as its ability to influence or control is negligible outside its direct environment.

In terms of versatility, the Watcher is not shown adapting to different environments or situations beyond its lake. Its interactions are reactionary rather than strategic, further indicating a lower versatility score. This is a critical aspect when assessing overall power in comparison to creatures that operate and thrive in multiple settings and under various circumstances.

The resilience of the Watcher is notable—it withstands direct attacks from the Fellowship and continues its assault. However, there is no evidence of it surviving or thriving after significant challenges or adapting to major threats. Its defensive capabilities, while strong, do not suggest an ability to recover from existential threats, unlike other mythical or legendary creatures that can regenerate, resurrect, or survive in diverse conditions.

Given these considerations, the rating of 6.1 for the Watcher in the Water reflects its formidable but localized and limited abilities. It excels in its niche but lacks the broader influence, versatility, and magical capabilities that characterize the higher echelons of power in fantasy entities. This assessment helps place the Watcher appropriately in the pantheon of fantasy creatures, acknowledging its iconic status while recognizing its constraints. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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