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WoT Character Analysis: Demandred

Race: Forsaken

Sex: Male

Faction: Shadow

Overall Rating: 8.1

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Demandred, a pivotal antagonist in the Wheel of Time series, presents a complex figure whose actions and motivations weave through the epic's narrative, impacting key events and characters. Known for his power, strategic genius, and deep-seated rivalry with Lews Therin Telamon, Demandred's story is rich with intrigue and warfare, making him a focal point of interest and speculation among fans.

Demandred from the Wheel of Time
Demandred, One of the Forsaken

Who is Demandred?

Demandred, originally named Barid Bel Medar, is one of the thirteen Forsaken sealed within Shayol Ghul at the climax of the Age of Legends. His release into the world marks the beginning of a series of events that reshapes the world of the Wheel of Time. Known in Shara as Bao the Wyld, Demandred’s character is defined by his towering ambition and his profound jealousy towards Lews Therin, which fuels his defection to the Shadow.

A Portrait of the Villain

Described as handsome with a prominent hook-nosed profile, Demandred is a character enveloped in bitterness and spite. His personality is marked by a lack of humor and a pervasive arrogance. Unlike many villains who relish chaos for its own sake, Demandred's actions are driven by a singular goal: to surpass and destroy Lews Therin. This obsession is the cornerstone of his character, influencing his decisions and strategies throughout the series.

Power and Abilities

Among the Forsaken, Demandred stands out for his exceptional strength in the One Power, ranked just below the likes of Rahvin and Moridin, making him one of the most formidable channelers. His abilities extend beyond mere power, as he is also an adept military strategist, often regarded as one of the greatest generals of his time.

Demandred’s Role in Major Plot Points

Demandred’s influence is felt throughout the series, though he often operates from the shadows, manipulating events and people to serve his ends. His actions are pivotal in many of the series' major conflicts, particularly during The Last Battle, where his command of the Sharan army plays a critical role.

The Path to Power

After his release, Demandred’s journey takes him to Shara, where he manipulates prophecy and gains control, becoming a figure of messianic proportions. His leadership in Shara and his control over its powerful forces are crucial in the buildup to the Last Battle, showcasing his strategic finesse and his ability to inspire and command loyalty.

The Last Battle

Demandred's participation in the Last Battle is marked by strategic brilliance and devastating power. Leading the Sharan army, he poses a significant threat to the forces of the Light. His challenges to Lews Therin to face him in single combat are a testament to his need to prove his superiority over his arch-nemesis. His death, a critical moment in the battle, underscores the intensity of his commitment to his cause and his willingness to risk everything for victory.

Understanding Demandred's Motivations and Downfall

Despite his strengths, Demandred’s flaws are his undoing. His deep-seated jealousy and his underestimation of his opponents reflect a tragic dimension to his character. These traits humanize him, making him a compelling and relatable antagonist whose desires and fears mirror those of the heroes in the series.

Demandred's Legacy

Demandred’s legacy within the Wheel of Time is a complex one. He is a character that embodies the tragic potential of great power and intelligence when guided by vengeance and hatred. His story is a powerful narrative about the dangers of envy and the destructive potential of unchecked ambition.

Demandred's Raw Power

Demandred embodies a significant degree of raw power, earning him a rating of 8.5 out of 10 across all fantasy universes. This score reflects his exceptional abilities in physical strength, magical prowess, and combat effectiveness.


Demandred's physical might is formidable, though not primarily highlighted in the narrative, his background as a leader and warrior during the Age of Legends suggests considerable physical capability. In combat scenarios depicted, his strength aids in wielding powerful sa'angreals and engaging in physically demanding battles. However, compared to purely physical beings in fantasy lore, he might not be the strongest.

Magical Ability

As a channeler, Demandred's magical ability is near the apex of potential within his universe. Generally rated extremely highly in the One Power, he stands only below a few like Rand al'Thor. His proficiency covers a wide range of weaves, from destructive attacks capable of leveling armies to subtler forms of manipulation and defense. The diversity and potency of his spells are well-documented, particularly during the Last Battle, where his use of the One Power dictates the flow of combat on numerous occasions.

Combat Prowess

Demandred's overall effectiveness in combat scenarios is exemplary. Combining his strength and magical skills, he is a tactician and a fighter who can single-handedly turn the tide of battle. His command of military strategy, personal combat skills, and tactical use of magic make him a daunting opponent. He exhibits these skills vividly during the Last Battle, orchestrating large scale conflicts and engaging in personal duels with key characters.

Demandred's Tactical Ability

Demandred's strategic capabilities are highlighted throughout the series, particularly during the Last Battle. His overall rating for tactical ability across all fantasy universes is set at 8.5, indicating his high proficiency but acknowledging that even his skills have limits when compared to the full spectrum of tactical geniuses across various fictional realms.

Strategic Mind

Demandred's ability to formulate and adapt plans in conflict situations is demonstrated by his role as one of the leading generals of the Shadow's forces. His military acumen allowed him to control vast armies effectively, often outmaneuvering his opponents on large scales. His preparation and execution of battle strategies during the Last Battle, where he almost outwitted the forces of the Light, showcase his high level of strategic thinking.


Throughout The Wheel of Time, Demandred's resourcefulness is evident in how he manages to survive and adapt over the ages, despite the setbacks of being sealed away for millennia. His ability to turn unfavorable situations to his advantage, such as manipulating the political and military landscapes of Shara to rise as a god-like figure, underscores his cunning and adaptability.

Resource Arsenal

Demandred's use of resources extends beyond mere tactics. He had access to powerful artifacts, knowledge of forbidden weaves, and the loyalty of entire nations like Shara. His strategic use of these resources not only bolstered his own power but also significantly enhanced the military capabilities of his forces. The strategic deployment of these assets, particularly in the use of the sa'angreal Sakarnen during the Last Battle, reflects a high proficiency in this area.

Demandred's Influence

Demandred represents a potent force, particularly in terms of influence and persuasion across all universes. His effectiveness in this domain earns him a robust score of 8.0. This reflects his significant, albeit not absolute, ability to manipulate, lead, and control others, positioned high yet not at the pinnacle of fantasy character comparisons.


Demandred's capacity for persuasion is deeply intertwined with his command of language and presence. Unlike many of his peers, his influence isn’t always overt; rather, it manifests through his ability to strategically deploy his words and actions to manipulate outcomes according to his desires. While he might not sway hearts with charm, his forceful personality and strategic mind compel obedience and alignment with his goals. This approach, however, is sometimes limited by his overt disdain for others, which can undermine his persuasive efforts.


The fear and respect Demandred commands stem largely from his reputation and deeds. As a Forsaken, his name alone carries immense weight, inciting a blend of respect and fear that bolsters his authority among allies and enemies alike. His historical and current actions, marked by ruthless efficiency and a track record of formidable magical and military prowess, contribute to a near-mythic status. However, his influence through reverence is sometimes undercut by his peers' awareness of his deep-seated envy and personal vendettas, which can color their perception and reduce the impact of his otherwise impressive stature.


One of Demandred's most defining traits is his formidable willpower. His relentless pursuit of power and vengeance against Lews Therin Telamon showcases his ability to remain focused on long-term goals, resisting distractions and temptations that might divert others. His mental fortitude allows him to resist external manipulations and influences effectively, making him a master of his own fate as much as one can be within the shadowy hierarchies of the Dark One’s servants. His resistance to external pressures and mind control techniques, even from other powerful channelers and Forsaken, affirms his willpower.

Demandred's Resilience

When considering all fantasy characters across various universes, Demandred's resilience is rated at 8.0 out of 10. This reflects his remarkable ability to withstand both physical and magical assaults, maintain his influence over millennia, and survive in highly adverse situations.

Physical Resistance

Demandred exhibits a high level of physical endurance and durability, a trait common among the Forsaken due to their augmented natures. As a warrior and a channeler, he has survived numerous battles and conflicts, displaying a physical robustness that allows him to endure where others might falter. Despite this, his physical resistance is not without limits, as evidenced by the culmination of his arc in the series.

Magical Resistance

One of Demandred's most significant strengths lies in his magical resistance. As a Forsaken, his knowledge and mastery over the One Power, including defensive weaves and countermeasures against various forms of magical attacks, are exceptional. He has survived numerous encounters with other powerful channelers and has withstood some of the most potent magical assaults seen in the series.


Demandred's longevity is profound, having lived for thousands of years due to the time-bending nature of his imprisonment and the life-extending properties of the One Power. This aspect of his resilience is particularly notable as it speaks to both his survival over extended periods and his ability to remain a relevant and formidable force throughout the ages. His strategic withdrawal from direct conflict until the opportune moment (as seen with his role as Bao the Wyld in Shara) further exemplifies his ability to persist and adapt over millennia.

Demandred's Versatility

Demandred is a complex figure renowned not only for his power but also for his ability to adapt to a multitude of situations across the ages. In assessing his versatility across all fantasy universes, he earns a solid 7.5 out of 10. This score reflects his adeptness in adjusting strategies and tactics, navigating various cultural and political landscapes, and utilizing a broad array of skills and resources.


Demandred's adaptability is one of his most striking traits. Throughout the series, he demonstrates a remarkable ability to blend into different societies and assume roles that serve his purposes, most notably as Bao the Wyld in Shara. This guise not only showcases his ability to adopt new identities but also to lead and influence within these roles effectively. He adjusts his strategies based on the cultural and political contexts of the environments he infiltrates, displaying a high degree of flexibility and tactical acumen.


Luck, while often an overlooked aspect of a character’s capabilities, plays a subtle yet pivotal role in Demandred's endeavors. Throughout the Wheel of Time, his plans, though meticulously crafted, often rely on serendipitous events and timing. For example, his rise to power within Shara and his evasion of discovery by the forces of the Light depend partially on fortunate circumstances. However, his reliance on luck is not as pronounced as other characters in fantasy. He manages to leverage fortuitous situations but does not depend solely on luck.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

The concept of the "Shaved Knuckle in the Hole" refers to a character's possession of a secret advantage or hidden skill that can be utilized as a last resort. Demandred's possession of the incredibly powerful sa'angreal, Sakarnen, serves as his "Shaved Knuckle." This artifact, coupled with his formidable knowledge of warfare and the One Power, allows him to unleash devastating attacks that can turn the tide of battle. Furthermore, his strategic foresight to align with the Sharans and position himself within their prophecies without revealing his true identity or intentions to his enemies showcases his capability to maintain hidden advantages.

Demandred's Alignment

Demandred's actions and decisions throughout the series exemplify a chaotic nature, primarily driven by personal vendettas and a deep-seated desire for power and recognition. Unlike a lawful character who adheres to a code or a set of rules, Demandred's methods are unpredictable and primarily self-serving. He rebels against established orders, first seen in his defection from the forces of the Light to the Shadow due to his jealousy and spite towards Lews Therin Telamon. His tactics and strategies, although meticulously planned, often disrupt the established order and sow chaos, further exemplifying his alignment away from anything structured or lawful.

Demandred’s alignment on the good-evil spectrum is clearly towards evil. His motivations are rooted in envy and hatred, and his actions lead to widespread suffering and destruction. Throughout the series, he commits numerous atrocities, including the feeding of entire populations of captured cities to Trollocs, demonstrating a lack of compassion or empathy. His allegiance with the Dark One and his role as one of the Forsaken cement his position as an antagonist driven by malevolent intentions. Furthermore, his willingness to use anyone, including his followers and allies, as mere tools to achieve his ends underscores his ethical alignment to evil.

Demandred's race, like many characters in The Wheel of Time, is human, but his capabilities are elevated by his status as one of the Forsaken, beings who have pledged themselves to the Shadow and been granted extended life and powers by the Dark One. This affiliation plays a crucial role in shaping his alignment, as it aligns him with the forces of chaos and evil within the cosmology of the series. His interactions with other members of the Forsaken, often marked by rivalry and manipulation, also highlight his chaotic tendencies.

Moreover, his role as Bao the Wyld in Shara shows his ability to manipulate and lead large groups towards chaos under the guise of fulfilling prophecy, further demonstrating his chaotic evil nature. This guise also reflects his strategic use of cultural and racial elements of the Sharans to cement his power and influence, manipulating their beliefs and traditions to position himself as a messianic figure.

In summary, Demandred’s alignment as chaotic evil is evidenced by his overarching disdain for order and his ruthless pursuit of personal power and vengeance. His actions throughout the series consistently cause upheaval and suffering, driven by deep-seated envy and a desire to surpass Lews Therin. This makes him a quintessential chaotic evil character, using his intelligence, magical prowess, and strategic mind not for any greater good or lawful purpose, but for personal gain and the spread of chaos and evil. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Demandred's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on Demandred and Position Across Planes of Existence

Demandred is a formidable figure whose capabilities and impact place him at an 8.1 on a scale evaluating the most powerful characters across fantasy universes. This rating positions him as highly potent and influential, though not at the pinnacle of fictional powerhouses, a stance that merits further examination.

Demandred's raw power is exceptional within his own universe; as one of the Forsaken, his command of the One Power is nearly unmatched, he stands just below the likes of Rand al'Thor and a few others in magical prowess. This makes him superior to many channelers not only in his native reality but also when compared to magic-wielders from other fantasy realms.

His tactical ability further augments his standing. As a military commander during the War of Power, Demandred’s strategies were instrumental in several key battles. His mastery over battlefield tactics and his resourcefulness in manipulating entire nations and armies underscore a strategic depth that rivals some of the greatest generals in fantasy literature. However, while his strategic mind is sharp, it occasionally falls short of the absolute genius required to outmaneuver the most astute characters from other series, who might benefit from either greater narrative emphasis on tactical warfare or from possessing supernatural strategic insights.

Demandred's influence is profound, yet complex. His leadership sways nations and reshapes the political landscapes of his world, particularly demonstrated by his manipulation of the Sharan people as Bao the Wyld. Despite this, his influence is often undercut by his inability to forge genuine alliances, relying instead on fear or manipulation. This approach, while effective, does not always engender the loyalty or stability seen in other legendary leaders across the fantasy genre.

In terms of resilience, Demandred's ability to recover and persist through the ages, surviving calamities and setbacks that would end lesser beings, marks him as extraordinarily durable. His longevity and resistance to both physical and magical attacks are notable, yet, his ultimate defeat highlights a ceiling to this resilience when faced with cunning adversaries. His versatility, though significant, is sometimes overshadowed by characters from other universes who exhibit a wider range of adaptable skills and abilities, capable of altering the course of events in more varied and profound ways.

Demandred’s overall rating of 8.1 reflects a character of immense power and strategic depth, yet one constrained by his own obsessions and the narrative focus of his universe. In a broader multiverse context, while he certainly stands above many, he does not reach the zenith occupied by characters who perhaps embody a more holistic form of dominance—be it through greater versatility, influence, or an even deeper reservoir of power. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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