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Malazan Character Analysis: Caladan Brood

Race: Azathanai

Sex: Male

Faction: None

Overall Rating: 8.7

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Caladan Brood, often referred to simply as the Warlord, is a central figure in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Brood is introduced as a formidable warlord known for his opposition to the Malazan Empire during the North Campaign on Genabackis.

Caladan Brood, The Warlord

Who is Caladan Brood?

Caladan Brood is depicted as a giant man, supposedly with a mix of human and Barghast blood, characterized by his immense physical strength and intimidating presence. His appearance is marked by a wide, flat face, bestial eyes, and distinctly filed teeth, setting him apart as both formidable and enigmatic. Brood is an Ascendant, a being of immense power, with his primary Warren being Tennes, although he also has access to other magical realms like D'riss and High Denul.

Gardens of the Moon

Brood first appears as a leader of a coalition against the Malazan 5th Army, effectively holding the north of Genabackis at Blackdog Forest. His strategic leadership and the loyalty he commands are pivotal in delaying the Malazan conquest.

Memories of Ice

In a surprising turn, Brood allies with his former adversaries to combat the Pannion Domin. His leadership is characterized by both his martial prowess and his diplomatic skills, as he navigates complex alliances and confrontations, particularly with figures like High King Kallor.

Toll the Hounds

Brood's presence in Darujhistan after the siege of Coral highlights his deep involvement in the series' broader political and magical conflicts. His interactions with other major characters, like Anomander Rake and the High Alchemist Baruk, further illustrate his influence and the respect he commands.

Caladan Brood's Relationships

Brood's longstanding friendship with Anomander Rake is particularly noteworthy. Despite their occasional clashes, their alliance is a testament to their mutual respect and shared history, stretching over millennia. This relationship adds a layer of depth to Brood's character, showing him as a loyal and principled leader.

Major Plot Points Involving Caladan Brood

In the Siege of Pale, Brood's strategic withdrawal and subsequent negotiations with Dujek Onearm signify his tactical acumen and his role as a stabilizing force against the Malazan expansion. Brood's decision to join forces with former enemies to face a greater threat in the Pannion Domin showcases his ability to prioritize greater good over past grievances. His actions during the battle of Coral and its aftermath reveal his capabilities as a commander and a wielder of significant magical power.

Caladan Brood's Impact and Legacy

Brood's influence extends beyond military might; his decisions often have far-reaching consequences for the world of Malazan. His possession of Burn's Hammer, a weapon of immense power, underscores his importance in the series' mythological framework. His choice not to use the hammer, aware of its destructive potential, highlights his wisdom and restraint.

Caladan Brood is more than just a warlord; he is a complex character entwined with the fate of many in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. His actions and decisions resonate throughout the series, making him a central figure in Erikson's intricate tapestry of characters and plots. His presence in the series not only drives the narrative forward but also enriches the philosophical and ethical dimensions of the story.

Caladan Brood's Raw Power

Combining strength, magical ability, and combat prowess—Caladan Brood's overall rating in raw power is calculated at 8.5 out of 10. This rating positions him as a formidable force across fantasy universes but acknowledges that there are entities in these universes who might surpass him in one area or another. Brood's power is balanced by his character's depth, making him not only a force of brute strength and magical might but also a complex figure whose power is tempered by wisdom and strategic thinking.


Caladan Brood's physical strength is monumental, often described in terms that echo mythological giants. His ability to wield Burn's Hammer, an artifact capable of shattering mountains, further highlights his significant physical strength. This hammer, which he wields with ease, is a testament to his extraordinary lifting power and striking force. Given these attributes, Brood's strength would rate highly on any scale.

Magical Ability

Brood's magical capabilities are as formidable as his physical attributes. As an Elder God, he possesses powers that are far beyond those of ordinary mortals. His primary Warren, Tennes, along with his access to other magical realms like D'riss and High Denul, allows him to harness a variety of magical forces. The narrative suggests that his magical prowess is vast, though it is often shown in more subtle, strategic uses than overt displays. However, the potential destruction from using Burn's Hammer and his ability to affect the landscape on a massive scale implies a deep, potent magical ability.

Combat Prowess

In terms of combat prowess, Brood is a seasoned warrior and strategist. His effectiveness in combat scenarios is not just due to his physical and magical strength but also his centuries of experience in various battles across the series. Whether leading armies or in personal combat, Brood demonstrates a masterful integration of physical might and magical skills. His use of weapons and his tactical approach in battle situations further amplify his abilities. He can take on the most formidable opponents, including Ascendants and powerful beings.

Caladan Brood's Tactical Ability

When considering Caladan Brood's tactical ability across all aspects—strategic mind, resourcefulness, and resource arsenal—his overall rating averages to 8.5 out of 10. This places him among the upper echelons of tactical minds in fantasy universes, albeit not at the pinnacle. While Brood's strategies are often effective, his conservative nature and occasional reluctance to exploit every advantage slightly limit his rating.

Strategic Mind

Brood's strategic capabilities are evident through his millennia-long warfare experiences, especially in his campaigns against the Malazan Empire. He possesses a profound understanding of battlefield tactics, as shown during the pivotal battles in Gardens of the Moon and Memories of Ice. Brood's ability to collaborate with diverse factions, including former enemies, highlights his adeptness in long-term planning and quick decision-making. This aspect of his tactical ability is particularly notable when he forms an alliance with Dujek Onearm's renegade Malazan army to confront the Pannion Domin. His strategies often involve complex layers of deception and high-stakes gambles, indicating a keen strategic mind.


Brood's resourcefulness is illustrated through his ability to adapt to various battle scenarios and logistical challenges. His use of limited resources, including the strategic withdrawal of forces or timing attacks to coincide with larger movements in the war, showcases his ability to innovate under pressure. This skill is critical during the Siege of Capustan, where his decisions directly affect the battle's outcome. His interaction with the environment, such as using the terrain to his advantage or employing guerrilla tactics, further emphasizes his resourcefulness.

Resource Arsenal

The resource arsenal available to Caladan Brood is extensive, largely due to his significant alliances and access to potent magical artifacts. His influence over several Warrens and his ability to summon or wield immense powers play a pivotal role in his strategic deployments. Moreover, Brood's alliances with powerful entities like Anomander Rake and the Queen of Dreams provide him with strategic assets that he can leverage in various situations. This extensive arsenal not only augments his tactical plays but also provides him with multiple fallback options in dire scenarios.

Caladan Brood's Influence

When considering Caladan Brood's influence across the categories of persuasion, reverence, and willpower, his overall rating is an 8.5 out of 10. This places him among the upper echelons of influential characters in fantasy literature. His blend of quiet persuasion, commanding respect, and unwavering willpower makes him a leader who can subtly shape outcomes and inspire loyalty and admiration.


Caladan Brood's influence through dialogue and interpersonal interactions is notably profound. Although often reserved, his speech carries weight, affecting allies and adversaries alike. He demonstrates this capability particularly in his interactions with other commanders and mystical entities, where his words sway decisions and form lasting alliances. His diplomatic engagements, such as those with Dujek Onearm, illustrate his persuasive abilities in fostering cooperation among diverse and often conflicting factions. His approach combines a rare blend of quietude with potent articulation, making him an influential leader whose words can alter the course of events.


The level of awe, respect, or fear that Caladan Brood commands is immense. His legendary status as a warlord, combined with his physical and mystical presence, instills a deep-seated reverence among those who know of him or have witnessed his capabilities. This reverence is not merely due to fear but is born from his longstanding history of wise leadership and battlefield prowess. Characters throughout the Malazan series refer to Brood with a mixture of respect and deference, acknowledging his place as a formidable and venerable figure in their world. His inherent ability to command such respect through his deeds and presence merits a high rating in reverence, reflecting his impactful legacy and the esteem in which he is held.


Willpower, the capacity to resist external influences and maintain one’s own agency, is a defining trait of Caladan Brood. Despite various temptations and immense pressures, Brood often chooses paths that align with his deep moral convictions, resisting manipulation from even the most potent sorcerers and gods. His resolve is exemplified in his refusal to misuse Burn’s Hammer, despite its immense destructive power. Such decisions underscore his strong willpower. This highlights his ability to stand firm against external pressures, maintaining his autonomy and integrity even in dire circumstances.

Caladan Brood's Resilience

Caladan Brood's overall resilience rating is a 9.5 out of 10. This score places him in the upper echelons of fantasy characters, distinguishing him not only as a survivor of countless battles but as an enduring force of nature in his universe. His resilience is defined not just by his capacity to resist and endure but by his ability to fundamentally influence the course of history through his actions and mere existence.

Physical Resistance

As an Azathanai, Caladan Brood's physical form transcends that of ordinary beings; his resilience is not merely a factor of endurance but an intrinsic characteristic of his divine nature. His stature and strength, which seem almost limitless, allow him to partake in battles that reshape landscapes and endure adversities that would obliterate lesser beings. This divine resilience is evident when he wields Burn's Hammer, a weapon capable of altering the very earth, without succumbing to its overwhelming force. Given his ability to withstand forces that could shatter mountains, his physical resistance rating should reflect his near-immortal durability.

Magical Resistance

Brood's status as an Azathanai also enhances his resistance to magical influences. His interactions with other powerful entities and his control over significant warrens indicate a mastery and immunity to magical forces that few can claim. His inherent nature provides a natural barrier against spells, curses, and other supernatural effects, making him virtually impervious to lesser magical attacks. This intrinsic magical fortitude, combined with his strategic use of powerful artifacts and innate powers underscores his supremacy in this realm.


The longevity of an Azathanai like Caladan Brood is unparalleled. His existence spans ages, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations, enduring through epochs as both a creator and a witness. This aspect of his resilience is perhaps the most profound, as his continued influence across millennia highlights an ability to survive and adapt that is inherent to his divine origin. Brood's presence in the world is less about survival in the conventional sense and more about a timeless existence that shapes the world around him.

Caladan Brood's Versatility

Taking into account all facets, Caladan Brood's overall versatility rating in the context of fantasy characters across all universes is an 8.5 out of 10. This rating reflects his ability to adapt to a multitude of situations, wield vast magical powers, manage and utilize strategic resources, and leverage his combat skills and hidden advantages effectively.


Caladan Brood demonstrates remarkable adaptability, navigating centuries of conflict and alliances with ease. His ability to adjust strategies according to the shifting dynamics of warfare and alliance speaks volumes about his tactical flexibility. Whether aligning with Anomander Rake against common foes or negotiating the complex politics of the Malazan empire, Brood’s capacity to adapt to new, changing environments is evident. His longstanding survival and relevance, particularly in a world as tumultuous as the Malazan universe, underscore a high level of adaptability that is essential to his character.

Luck and Hidden Skills

Brood’s long life and continued influence hint at an underlying current of luck or perhaps a "Shaved Knuckle in the Hole," which aligns with his ability to often turn the tide in his favor when least expected. His strategic retreats and timely interventions in battles show a knack for being in the right place at the right time, suggesting an undercurrent of luck or hidden strategic acumen that enhances his versatility.

Caladan Brood's Alignment

Caladan Brood’s alignment tends towards Chaotic. Despite being part of structured military campaigns and alliances, Brood exhibits a strong preference for personal freedom and autonomy. His willingness to defy larger structures or commands in favor of what he perceives as morally right, or strategically wise, highlights his chaotic nature. His leadership style is flexible, adaptive, and often unpredictable, deviating from rigid structures when necessary. Brood's chaotic alignment is further emphasized by his occasional solitary wanderings and decisions that prioritize personal codes of conduct over any formal laws or agreements.

Brood's actions and motivations align him closely with Good. His overarching goal in the Malazan series is not dominion or power for its own sake but the protection of the innocent and resistance against oppressive forces. His efforts to combat the Malazan Empire and later the Pannion Domin are driven by a desire to prevent the suffering and subjugation of weaker parties. Even his handling of immense power, like that of Burn’s Hammer, is marked by restraint and consideration of the broader consequences, underpinning his commitment to good. His relationships with other characters, particularly his deep bond with Anomander Rake, also reflect a capacity for empathy, loyalty, and a desire for justice, reinforcing his alignment with good.

Caladan Brood's character can best be described as Chaotic Good. This alignment encapsulates his willingness to break away from constraints and hierarchies to follow a personal moral compass that prioritizes the well-being of others, justice, and opposition to tyranny. His status as an Azathanai adds layers to his character, providing him with the power and perspective that drive his actions beyond typical heroism into the realm of legendary influence. In the Malazan universe, where gods and mortals alike grapple with complex moral dilemmas, Brood stands out as a figure who uses his immense power and influence to foster positive change, often in defiance of authority and convention.

Brood’s alignment, thus, is not just a reflection of his personal choices but a beacon for the values he stands for in a world rife with conflict and moral ambiguity. His actions, influenced by his race and the factions he interacts with, consistently reflect a commitment to doing what is right, regardless of the cost to himself or the norms of the society around him. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Caladan Brood's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on Caladan Brood and Position Across Planes of Existence

Caladan Brood has been rated at 8.7 on a scale of 1 to 10, positioning him in the upper echelons of power across fantasy universes. This high rating acknowledges Brood's formidable capabilities, but also reflects the nuanced limitations that prevent him from reaching the zenith of power observed in other fantasy giants.

As an Azathanai, Brood possesses inherent magical and physical abilities that surpass those of most mortals and many immortals in fantasy literature. His command over multiple Warrens, the magic systems in the Malazan universe, and his ability to wield Burn’s Hammer—a weapon capable of altering landscapes and deciding the fate of the world—underscore his significant raw power.

Throughout the series, Brood demonstrates strategic acumen that allows him to lead diverse coalitions against formidable foes. His long-term partnership with Anomander Rake and his capacity to adapt to complex battlefields further solidify his high ranking.

Brood's ability to inspire loyalty and lead vast armies across millennia speaks to his profound influence. His leadership style, marked by a combination of respect, empathy, and a commanding presence, enables him to unify disparate factions for common causes.

As an entity who has witnessed and influenced aeons of history, Brood's resilience is notable. He has survived countless battles and outlasted many of his peers, adapting to the changing dynamics of power and conflict in his world.

Brood's access to various forms of magic and his proficiency in both physical and strategic combat mark him as a versatile player in any fantasy setting. His ability to respond to a range of threats with a combination of magical prowess and tactical thinking underlines his adaptability.

While Brood's power and influence are immense, there are characters in fantasy literature who exhibit even more extreme forms of power—entities who can alter the fabric of reality with a thought, who possess limitless magical capabilities, or who function as near-omnipotent beings within their narratives. Brood, despite his strength, operates within certain constraints—his power, though vast, is not limitless, and his decisions are often tempered by moral considerations and the well-being of others.

Moreover, Brood's tendency to rely on alliances and his occasional retreats from leadership positions to ponder and reassess demonstrate a level of caution and restraint not always seen in the most powerful beings of fantasy, who often act with fewer doubts or dependencies.

Caladan Brood's character complexity—his depth, moral integrity, and the philosophical dilemmas he grapples with—add a layer of richness to his portrayal that goes beyond mere power levels. These qualities make him a compelling figure whose influence is felt not just through his actions but through the ethos he represents in the broader narrative landscape of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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