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Malazan Character Analysis: Cotillion

Race: Human

Transcendent: Ascendant

Sex: Male

Faction: High House Shadow

Overall Rating: 8.5

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Arena Status: Active (S2)

Cotillion, also known as The Rope, is a central figure in Malazan Book of the Fallen. This enigmatic character serves not only as the Patron God of Assassins but also as a key player in the cosmic and terrestrial politics that shape the series. His actions, often shrouded in mystery and deceit, have a profound impact on the world of Malazan, making him a character of significant intrigue and complexity.

Cotillion (The Rope) or Dancer from Malazan Book of the Fallen
Cotillion, Assassin of High House Shadow

Spoilers ahead.

Who is Cotillion in Malazan Book of the Fallen?

Cotillion, formerly known as Dancer, was a human assassin who ascended to godhood alongside Ammanas, becoming the devious and cunning god of assassins. His physical description varies throughout the series, often seen with dark, sometimes ragged hair, and a distinctive hatch pattern of scars below his right eye. He is frequently depicted wearing gray or black attire, tightly wrapped to suit his lethal movements, and always with his characteristic weapons: a rope and a knife.

Early Life and Ascension

Cotillion's journey from a mortal assassin to a god is a story of cunning, betrayal, and ambition. Before his ascension, he was known as Dancer, a master assassin whose partnership with Kellanved (later Shadowthrone) led to the founding of the Malazan Empire. The duo's ascension to godhood was marked by strategic sacrifices and alliances, culminating in their taking control of the Shadow Realm.

Strategic Mastermind in the Malazan Series

Throughout the series, Cotillion's influence is felt across various plots and schemes. From possessing Sorry in Gardens of the Moon to his complex interactions with other gods and mortals, his actions are always layered with strategic depth. His ability to navigate the convoluted politics of gods and humans alike showcases his unparalleled tactical mind.

Major Plot Points and Appearances in the Series

Cotillion's introduction sees him orchestrating chaos within the Malazan Empire, using his possession of Sorry to influence events on Genabackis. In Deadhouse Gates, Cotillion reveals a softer side, showing genuine care for those under his command, such as Apsalar, the girl he once possessed. In Memories of Ice, his historical insights and the revelation of his and Shadowthrone’s true intentions are pivotal in understanding the broader conflicts at play. In later novels, Cotillion's role expands as he engages directly with threats to his and Shadowthrone's power, often intervening personally to guide, protect, or assassinate.

A God of Contradictions

Cotillion is a complex figure, embodying contradictions that make him a fascinating study in duality. He is ruthless yet shows unexpected kindness; he is a god of assassins who avoids unnecessary bloodshed. His interactions often reveal a depth of emotion and strategic foresight, highlighting his evolution from a simple assassin to a deity involved in cosmic affairs.

Relationships and Alliances

His relationships, particularly with Shadowthrone and other significant characters like Apsalar and Fiddler, demonstrate his capacity for loyalty and his value in connections. These relationships are crucial in navigating the challenges posed by other gods and ascendants.

Unraveling the Mysteries of Cotillion

Cotillion's narrative is a masterful blend of intrigue, strategy, and depth, making him one of the most compelling characters in the Malazan Book of the Fallen. As the series progresses, his intricate plans and the subtle execution of his agendas highlight a character who is not only a god of assassins but also a protector of a delicate balance in the cosmos.

The Enigmatic Master of Shadows

Cotillion's character serves as a pivotal element in Erikson's intricate tapestry, driving many of the series' key events through both direct action and behind-the-scenes manipulation. His journey from a mortal to a deity encapsulates themes of power, sacrifice, and the burden of knowledge, leaving readers eagerly analyzing his every move.

Cotillion's Raw Power

Cotillion's raw power is a testament to his background as an assassin and his current status as a deity in the Malazan universe. His ability to leverage his strengths in a fight, combined with his magical capabilities, makes him a significant player not just in his own world but across fantasy literature. As the series progresses, it becomes evident that his raw power, while not the most visually spectacular, is precisely what makes him so effective and feared among gods and mortals alike. Cotillion receives an overall raw power rating of 8/10.


Cotillion's physical strength, while not his most pronounced attribute, is considerably enhanced by his divine status. Unlike traditional powerhouses who rely on brute strength, Cotillion's physical capabilities are more nuanced. His assassin training emphasizes agility, stealth, and precision over raw lifting power or striking force. However, his ability to manipulate physical forces through his divine essence compensates for what might otherwise be seen as a lack of conventional strength.

Magical Ability

As a god, Cotillion wields significant magical powers, though they manifest subtly compared to the more flamboyant displays seen in other fantasy characters. His control over the shadows and his capacity to possess and manipulate individuals without their knowledge or against their will showcase a potent form of magic. Moreover, his ascension to godhood itself was facilitated by his deep understanding and manipulation of magical and metaphysical laws, underscoring his proficiency in this area.

Cotillion's magical skills are not just diverse but highly strategic, allowing him to execute his objectives with minimal direct confrontation. His ability to fade into shadows, manipulate events from behind the scenes, and his occasional direct magical interventions, demonstrate a high level of control and power.

Combat Prowess

Cotillion's true forte lies in his combat prowess. Originally one of the most feared assassins in the Malazan world, his skills have only been enhanced by his divine status. He is adept with both his signature weapons — a rope and a knife — which he uses with lethal efficiency. His combat style is characterized by precision, speed, and ruthlessness, often catching his enemies off guard and leaving little chance for retaliation.

In the realm of fantasy, where direct combat is a common measure of a character's power, Cotillion's ability to best most foes in stealth or open combat ranks him highly. His tactical approach to combat, using a combination of physical skills and magical enhancements, allows him to handle a wide array of threats.

Cotillion's Tactical Ability

Cotillion’s mastery of tactics is integral to his character and pivotal to the narratives of the Malazan Book of the Fallen. He exemplifies the archetype of a chessmaster, constantly moving pieces in a game only he fully understands. This makes him not just a formidable opponent in direct confrontations but a figure whose influence shapes the fate of empires and gods alike. Cotillion receives an overall tactical ability rating of 9/10.

Strategic Mind

Cotillion's strategic thinking is showcased through his meticulous planning and execution of long-term schemes that have wide-reaching consequences. His plans often involve multiple layers and contingencies, as seen in his manipulation of events across the Malazan Empire. His ability to foresee the movements of others and plan several steps ahead is a testament to his profound understanding of both individual psychology and broader socio-political dynamics. Cotillion does not just react to events but shapes them to fit his desired outcomes, often turning potential setbacks into advantages.


One of Cotillion's most remarkable traits is his resourcefulness. He can make significant strategic moves with limited resources, often turning what seems insignificant into a critical advantage. His approach to problem-solving is creative and unorthodox, allowing him to manipulate situations to his favor even when the odds are against him. This resourcefulness also manifests in his ability to use the environment, covert alliances, and even his enemies' strengths to serve his goals.

Resource Arsenal

As a deity in the Malazan universe, Cotillion has access to a vast array of resources, including divine powers, networks of spies and assassins, and alliances with other powerful beings. His role as a god of assassins provides him with nearly unrivaled access to intelligence and lethal force, which he leverages to control or eliminate threats discreetly. His arsenal is not just physical but also includes intangible assets like fear, influence, and secrecy.

Cotillion's Influence

Cotillion exemplifies the type of influence that operates behind the scenes. He shapes events not by overt acts of power but by subtle manipulations and strategic alliances. His influence extends beyond mere personal interactions, affecting broad geopolitical and metaphysical developments within the Malazan universe. This makes him not just a powerful deity in his own right but a key figure whose actions drive much of the series' overarching narrative. Cotillion receives an overall influence rating of 8.5/10.


Cotillion’s persuasive capabilities are not rooted in overt charisma but in his calculated and strategic communication. He seldom relies on charm; instead, he uses precise language and timing to influence others. His words often carry the weight of inevitability, persuading through the logical strength and inevitability of his arguments rather than emotional appeal. His interactions with characters such as Apsalar and Shadowthrone highlight his skill in persuading through rationale and necessity rather than coercion.


As a god, Cotillion commands a significant level of respect and fear. His reputation as a master assassin and a deity in his own right makes him a figure of awe within the Malazan universe. His followers and even his foes treat him with a high degree of reverence, aware of his capabilities and the depths of his strategic thinking. This reverence enhances his influence, as characters are often predisposed to fear or respect him before he even speaks.


Cotillion's resistance to external influences is exceptional. As a god who has ascended from a human assassin, he maintains a strong sense of identity and purpose that resists the sway of other powers, including fellow gods. His willpower is critical in maintaining his autonomy in the complex hierarchies and power plays of the gods and ascendants within the series. His firm resolve and ability to stay his course without being swayed by others underscore his influential capacity.

Cotillion's Resilience

Cotillion's resilience allows him to engage in plans that have high risks with the confidence that he can recover from potential failures. His resilience is crucial in a universe where gods, ascendants, and powerful magical beings routinely clash in ways that can reshape landscapes, alter realities, and redefine the limits of power. His ability to bounce back from defeats, whether in physical combat or cosmic gambits, underpins his enduring influence and strategic initiatives across the Malazan series. Cotillion receives an overall resilience rating of 8.5/10.

Physical Resistance

As an Ascendant and the Patron God of Assassins, Cotillion's physical form is less susceptible to damage than mere mortals. While not often depicted in direct combat, his few physical engagements suggest a body that can withstand considerable punishment. This resilience is bolstered by his godly nature, which allows him to recover from injuries that would be fatal to a human. His physical form can endure, regenerate, and resist damage through divine constitution rather than mere physical toughness.

Magical Resistance

Cotillion's magical resistance is notably high. His role as a deity in the pantheon, coupled with his origins as a human assassin who ascended to godhood, grants him resistance against various magical and supernatural effects. He navigates realms of magic with ease, counters spells, and withstands magical attacks that would obliterate lesser beings. His understanding and manipulation of magical forces are intrinsic to his resilience.


The aspect of longevity in Cotillion's resilience is unquestionable. As an ascended being, he possesses a form of immortality, enduring beyond the lifespan limitations of his original human form. His resilience in this category is marked by an ability to exist across ages, potentially indefinitely, unless significant cosmic powers intervene. This eternal aspect allows him to plan and execute strategies over centuries, recovering and adapting from setbacks that span generations.

Cotillion's Versatility

Cotillion’s versatility allows him to operate effectively across different domains and scenarios, adapting his approach to the needs of each situation. His ability to shift from shadowy manipulator to direct actor, his propensity for appearing at critical junctures, and his strategic reserves all speak to a character designed for complexity and influence. Cotillion receives an overall versatility rating of 8.5/10.


Cotillion's adaptability is evident in his ability to navigate and manipulate the complex socio-political and magical landscapes of the Malazan world. He transitions smoothly between roles, from a god to a manipulator in the background, to a direct intervenor in the world's events. His ability to change tactics and strategies according to the situation demonstrates an exceptional level of adaptability. Cotillion can engage with gods, mortals, and ascendants alike, altering his approach to fit the needs of each interaction.


While luck is often a challenging attribute to quantify, Cotillion's narrative arc suggests a character whose plans, while meticulously crafted, often benefit from fortuitous events. His encounters and timing often align to place him in positions where he can exert maximal influence or achieve goals with an element of serendipity, suggesting an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time.

Shaved Knuckle in the Hole

Cotillion’s possession of a "Shaved Knuckle in the Hole" is a testament to his preparation and strategic foresight. This attribute in Cotillion's character is about having hidden assets or strategies that can be deployed when all else seems lost. Throughout the Malazan series, Cotillion reveals layers of complexity in his plans, often pulling resources or alliances that are unexpected to turn the tide in his favor. This secretive resourcefulness is a significant part of his versatility.

Cotillion's Alignment

As a god in the Malazan series, Cotillion is the Patron of Assassins and operates primarily through secrecy and manipulation. Formerly known as Dancer, he ascended alongside Ammanas (Shadowthrone) to control the Shadow realm. This transformation from a mortal assassin to a god significantly impacts his alignment, intertwining his actions with the goals of his faction. The Shadow faction, inherently elusive and complex, supports his chaotic tendencies.

Moral Compass and Actions

Cotillion's actions are driven by a mix of personal goals, compassion, and a broader strategic vision for the Malazan world, which often involves significant manipulation and the orchestration of events that lead to high stakes and high impacts. His methods are rarely straightforward and often involve significant deceit or manipulation, contributing to his chaotic alignment. However, his ultimate intentions often reveal a detachment from traditional notions of good and evil, aiming instead at a balance or rectification perceived through his unique perspective.

Cotillion's disregard for strict rules and hierarchies, typical of a chaotic alignment, is evident in his willingness to subvert the expected order or authority to achieve his ends. His tactics are improvisational and adaptive, relying heavily on the element of surprise and a deep understanding of the dynamics at play.

Cotillion's actions do not consistently support either malevolence or benevolence but rather navigate a middle path that reflects a pragmatic approach to the problems at hand. He can display ruthless aggression one moment and profound empathy the next, especially towards those he considers under his protection or part of his extended 'family'. This complexity makes him neither traditionally good nor evil but situates him within the neutral zone, acting according to the demands of the situation and personal moral judgments that do not always align with conventional ethics.

Cotillion's alignment as Chaotic Neutral reflects his nature as a character who operates outside traditional moral and societal structures, driven by a personal code and a pragmatic approach to the cosmic and mundane challenges of the Malazan universe. His allegiance to the Shadow realm and his background as an assassin color his actions with shades of chaos and unpredictability, while his personal evolution from mortal to god layers additional complexity into his decision-making processes and ethical considerations. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Cotillion's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
2 (2024-2025) TBD (of 204)

Overall Conclusion on Cotillion and Position Across Planes of Existence

Cotillion exemplifies a profound and multifaceted power that uniquely positions him across fantasy universes. His rating of 8.5 reflects his significant influence, strategic mastery, and the nuanced nature of his abilities, which, while formidable, stop short of making him omnipotent within the vast spectrum of fantasy characters.

Cotillion’s strength does not lie solely in physical combat or raw magical prowess—domains where characters from other universes might surpass him—but in a sophisticated blend of tactical acumen, adaptability, and influence. His power is cerebral and indirect, often manipulating events from behind the scenes to achieve complex objectives. This makes him less overtly powerful than some entities endowed with world-altering power but more effective in universes where strategy and subtlety are paramount.

Cotillion’s strategic mind is perhaps his greatest asset. His plans span continents and ages, weaving through the intricate politics and warfare of the Malazan Empire with a precision that few characters, either within his own universe or in others, can match. This level of foresight and manipulation underscores his high rating, situating him as a chessmaster who can control and predict multiple threads of fate simultaneously.

As a god, Cotillion wields influence that extends beyond the physical realm, affecting the spiritual and existential dimensions of the Malazan universe. His interactions with other gods, ascendants, and mortals underscore a capacity to shape events on a cosmic scale. Moreover, his ethical complexity—acting out of a mixture of compassion, pragmatism, and necessity—adds depth to his character that enriches his role within the narrative, reflecting a power that is as much about influencing hearts and minds as it is about wielding a knife.

Cotillion’s development from a mortal assassin to a god is a journey that highlights his growing mastery over both his internal demons and external challenges. This transformation is pivotal to understanding his power level, as it encapsulates not just the accumulation of divine abilities but also profound personal growth, which is a rare kind of power narrative in fantasy literature.

Cotillion’s rating of 8.5 is a testament to his formidable presence in the Malazan universe and his considerable adaptability and influence in broader fantasy contexts. His abilities, while not supremely dominant in all settings, position him as a key player in any narrative involving complex interplay of power, strategy, and character development. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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