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Elder Scrolls Character Analysis: Serana

Race: Nord

Transcendent: Vampire

Sex: Female

Faction: Coldharbour

Overall Rating: 6.9

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Arena Status: Active (S1)

For those who have delved deep into the icy expanses of Skyrim's northern territories, they will be familiar with the enigmatic character of Serana. This vampiric heroine stands out as a uniquely compelling character in the Elder Scrolls series, captivating players with her nuanced personality and intriguing storyline.

Serana, Elder Scrolls
Serana by LumiNyu on DeviantArt

Serana is introduced in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" during the "Dawnguard" DLC (downloadable content). This expansion focuses on the age-old conflict between the Volkihar Clan of vampires and the Dawnguard, a faction of vampire hunters. Serana's discovery occurs in a moment of unexpected mystery when the Dragonborn (the player character) stumbles upon a cryptic, ancient sarcophagus inside Dimhollow Crypt.

From the confines of the crypt, emerges Serana, a pure-blood Vampire Lord. She carries an Elder Scroll on her back - a harbinger of great, universe-shaking prophecies. Serana's vampiric nature and the presence of such a powerful artifact immediately set her apart as more than a mere side character. Yet it is her initial uncertainty and visible apprehension that make her intriguingly relatable, a feature she carries throughout her narrative. As she mutters, "I can't believe it...I guess I'm expected to be...vampires..." the depth of her character begins to unfold.

The presence of an Elder Scroll is not Serana's only claim to significance. She is the estranged daughter of Lord Harkon and Valerica, the rulers of the Volkihar vampire clan. However, she despises her father for his ruthless pursuit of power. When discussing her family, she remarks, "I think we both know... it's only going to get worse from here." Her words express a clear aversion to her family's dark machinations.

The central plot of the Dawnguard DLC revolves around a prophecy foretold in the Elder Scrolls, referred to as the Tyranny of the Sun. The prophecy speaks of a time when the sun will be blotted out by the Daughter of Coldharbour (Serana), leading to an era of vampire supremacy. As the narrative progresses, Serana is forced to confront her family's malevolent ambitions and make choices that test her allegiances.

One of the most notable aspects of Serana's character is her nuanced and deeply complex personality. Despite her supernatural lineage and grandiose prophecies, she remains relatable, expressing feelings of fear, doubt, and hope. Her initial distrust evolves into a genuine camaraderie with the Dragonborn, making her one of the most personable companions in the game.

Her dialogue is often marked by sarcasm and dry wit, providing moments of levity in an otherwise grim journey. In one instance, she quips, "Oh, what is it? This better not be all the things you just can't be bothered with." But beneath her humor lies a vulnerable soul burdened by her family's dark legacy and struggling with her vampiric nature. Her multifaceted persona has endeared her to countless players, reinforcing her as a unique and memorable presence in the Elder Scrolls universe.

In this comprehensive study, we will further delve into the depths of Serana's character - examining her motivations, her powerful attributes, her distinct vulnerabilities, and her significant role in the grand tapestry of the Elder Scrolls universe. Notably, we'll examine her intricate connection to Coldharbour, the realm of Oblivion ruled by Molag Bal, the Daedric Prince of Domination and Enslavement. This relationship, steeped in Elder Scrolls' rich lore, marks her as a Daughter of Coldharbour, a title bearing significant weight and shaping her existence. So stay tuned as we unravel the captivating mysteries surrounding Serana, providing a fresh perspective on this fascinating character in the vast plane of fantasy.

As you navigate the icy landscapes of Skyrim, remember the words of Serana: "This is all just a part of the journey. You're still alive, aren't you?" It's a reminder that despite the trials and tribulations, the thrill of the adventure and the characters we meet along the way make it worthwhile. In Serana's case, she isn't just a part of the journey — she is the journey.

Stay tuned as we unravel more about this enigmatic vampire and explore the deeper recesses of her character and narrative. Join us as we navigate the icy lands of Skyrim and delve deeper into the mysteries of the ancient Daughter of Coldharbour.

Serana's Raw Power

In the realm of Tamriel, where magic and might often go hand in hand, Serana's raw power comes as a fascinating blend of her vampiric might and arcane abilities. As a Vampire Lord, Serana's inherent power extends beyond ordinary human strength, and she has the ability to drain life from her foes, summon gargoyles, and use bats to attack her enemies. "Stay back!" she'll warn adversaries, her eyes glowing with a fierce warning that isn't to be ignored.

But her power is not limited to her vampiric abilities. She's also a skilled necromancer, able to resurrect the dead to aid in combat, a chilling testament to her might. When conjuring a fallen enemy to her side, she'll call forth, "Rise from your grave!" This capacity to bend the deceased to her will is a stark display of her raw power.

Moreover, her possession of an Elder Scroll, a divine artifact of vast magical power, hints at a hidden wellspring of potential within her. Although she doesn't actively utilize the Scroll in combat, its very presence suggests untapped potentialities.

Given her vampiric strength, necromantic abilities, and the potency suggested by her connection to the Elder Scrolls, Serana's raw power is certainly formidable. However, she doesn't possess the reality-altering capabilities of some fantasy entities or the sheer physical power of legendary warriors. So, while her might is impressive within her context, it's necessary to consider her power relative to all fantasy universes.

With these elements in mind, Serana's raw power can be rated a solid 7.5 out of 10 when compared to all fantasy characters across all universes. This score indicates that she's quite powerful, capable of holding her own in many conflicts, but not on par with the most godlike or overwhelmingly mighty entities in the fantasy genre. In the words of Serana herself, reflecting perhaps a sense of her power and limitations, "Even with all my preparations, we can't be too careful." Her power is formidable, but even she acknowledges the need for caution and strategy.

Serana's Tactical Ability

Serana, the enigmatic vampire from the Elder Scrolls series, is a character with a rich and complex narrative. Her tactical ability, however, is something of a mixed bag and ultimately places her in the middle range, with a rating of 6 out of 10, when compared to all fantasy characters across all universes.

Serana's strengths lie in her ability to adapt and respond to situations with intelligence and decisiveness. Throughout the events of the Dawnguard questline, her decision-making plays a vital role in progressing the narrative. Despite her centuries of isolation, she demonstrates a quick understanding of the changing world, using it to her advantage, helping the Dragonborn navigate the labyrinthine politics of her family and the volatile dynamics of the Vampire Court.

Yet, Serana's strategic acumen is inherently reactionary rather than proactive, and her decision-making is often emotionally driven, influenced by her complicated relationship with her parents, especially her father, Lord Harkon. This emotional underpinning occasionally results in decisions that may not be the most tactically sound, displaying a level of impulsivity that can lead to precarious situations.

While Serana is a capable companion in battle and a valuable ally due to her knowledge of her family and the Elder Scrolls, her tactical ability is somewhat limited in scope when compared to other characters who have impacted whole realms and worlds with their strategic foresight. Thus, a rating of 6 serves as an accurate reflection of her tactical capabilities.

One key example of her tactical ability comes from the "Touching the Sky" quest, where Serana aids the Dragonborn in finding Auriel's Bow, a key weapon for defeating her father. This shows a level of planning and strategic thinking, albeit driven by personal motivations.

Ultimately, Serana is a tactically capable character within her context, but when comparing her to broader fantasy figures whose strategies can alter the fabric of their realities, it's clear her abilities are more confined. Thus, the rating of 6 is a more accurate reflection of her tactical prowess.

Serana's Influence

Measuring Serana's influence or persuasion power within the Elder Scrolls universe is an intricate task. Not traditionally a leader nor a figure of prominent authority, her influence stems from a subtler and more personal level. With these considerations, Serana's rating for influence would stand at a modest 5 out of 10.

Serana's influence is most apparent in the relationships she forms, especially with the Dragonborn. Over the course of the Dawnguard storyline, she establishes a bond with the Dragonborn that has significant effects on their actions. Despite their initial encounter under hostile circumstances, she manages to persuade the Dragonborn to aid her in the fight against her father, Lord Harkon. This persuasion is less about charisma and more about her sincerity and the strength of her convictions. Her words during the questline, "I can't just let him go on. He'll keep chasing me for the rest of my life," evoke empathy, stirring the Dragonborn to act.

However, Serana's sphere of influence is limited and personal. She doesn't command armies or sway large groups of people, as other characters in fantasy lore might. Her ability to influence seems directly tied to her interactions with individuals rather than groups.

Moreover, Serana's influence is significantly more prominent in the confines of the Vampire Court. Even though she dislikes her familial ties and the politics of her kind, her words hold weight, and she can sway decisions, such as when she convinces her mother, Valerica, to help them against Harkon.

In conclusion, Serana's influence, while significant in personal relationships and vampire politics, does not extend to the level of other fantasy characters who alter the tides of wars or steer the fates of entire realms. Thus, she earns a 5 out of 10 in Influence, acknowledging her persuasive capacity on a personal level while recognizing her limited scope compared to the larger fantasy universe.

Serana's Resilience

Within the tapestry of Elder Scrolls' rich universe, Serana stands out as a beacon of resilience. Her saga is a testament to her perseverance, both physical and mental, in the face of immense adversities. Given the trials she has faced, her Resilience rating stands at a robust 8.

To begin with, Serana's physical resilience is extraordinary, even in a universe replete with supernatural beings. As a pure-blooded vampire, she possesses an augmented lifespan and superior healing abilities, which enable her to recover from physical harm quickly. In gameplay, this manifests as her rapid health regeneration, making her a formidable companion in battles.

However, it's her mental and emotional resilience that truly sets her apart. For instance, Serana's prolonged period of self-imposed isolation within a tomb would mentally tax any individual, let alone a powerful vampire. Awakening in a drastically changed world, she adapts and navigates through the unfamiliar landscape with remarkable composure. "I guess... we kind of have to go our own ways," she says at the end of the Dawnguard questline, a testament to her acceptance of change.

Perhaps her most challenging ordeal is confronting her own family. Despite her love for her parents, she stands against them, resolute in her quest for freedom from the tyrannical rule of her father. She even goes so far as to aid in the death of her father, a testament to her resilience in standing for what she believes is right, despite the personal cost.

Yet, she does not grow cold or bitter, but retains her compassion and empathy. "I can't just ignore that my father's up to something horrible just because I love him," she confesses, a sentiment that speaks volumes about her strength of character.

In the larger context of all fantasy characters, Serana's resilience is notable, though perhaps not the absolute pinnacle. However, her unique blend of physical durability, mental fortitude, and emotional resilience mark her as a standout character, earning her a well-deserved rating of 8 out of 10.

Serana's Versatility

In the realm of versatility, Serana shines brightly amidst the host of fantasy characters that populate the vast world of Elder Scrolls. Her abilities stretch across multiple domains, making her a versatile ally. We would rate her versatility a solid 8.

As a pure-blooded vampire, Serana's natural aptitude for magic gives her a wide array of potent offensive and defensive capabilities. She can drain life energy from her enemies and resurrect the fallen to serve her, imbuing her with the ability to sway the tide of battles. In gameplay terms, her repertoire spans from Necromancy and Ice Storm spells to raising undead minions and the power of Vampiric Drain, a testament to her diverse powers. "If we had the blood of a vampire at the time of the prophecy, we could use it to taint the weapon", she proposes, showcasing her understanding of the application of her inherent abilities.

However, Serana's versatility goes beyond her combat prowess. She displays a capacity for stealth and subterfuge when the situation calls for it. Her ability to meld into the shadows and use her vampiric charm to manipulate others make her a well-rounded companion, able to adapt to a multitude of scenarios. "You think I'd have the audacity to place my own daughter in that tomb for the protection of her Elder Scroll alone? No, the Scrolls allowed me to see past the prophecy, and allow me to know the exact time and place of Serana's return", her father Harkon explains, underlining Serana's ability to outmaneuver even the most conniving of foes.

Moreover, Serana's ability to traverse the diverse environments of Skyrim, from the frosty peaks to the humid marshes, demonstrates her adaptability to various terrains. Her life as a vampire also ensures she can operate efficiently regardless of the time of day, a flexibility that most mortals lack.

While there might be characters in the fantasy realm who possess a wider range of skills, Serana's balanced blend of magical prowess, stealth, tactical thinking, and adaptability sets her apart, deserving of an 8 out of 10 rating in versatility.

Serana's Alignment

Serana, unlike other characters who may fall neatly within the traditional dichotomies of good and evil, law and chaos, is marked by her inherent contradictions. Born into a world of darkness and blood, she is a vampire by birth, a creature traditionally associated with the essence of evil. Yet, she harbors a humanity that is strikingly potent.

Her vampirism obliges her to survive by feeding off others, indeed a grim requirement that could tip her alignment towards evil. However, she views this more as a matter of survival rather than a malicious act. It's important to note that the Elder Scrolls universe provides alternatives such as feeding on animals or willing subjects, which allows some moral flexibility for vampires.

In terms of law and chaos, she falls closer to the chaotic end. Her actions frequently subvert authority and traditional order, most notably in her rejection of her father's tyrannical rule and his prophecy to extinguish the sun, "I did. But something about you makes me think I can trust you. I hope I'm not wrong.", showing a disregard for established authority in favor of personal autonomy.

As for the Dragonborn, her alliance does not seem to waver regardless of their moral choices. This flexibility indicates a neutral stance, as she appears less concerned with their moral alignment and more with their shared objectives.

Therefore, within the constraints of the alignment system, Serana can be categorized as Chaotic Neutral. This captures her survival instinct, disregard for authority, and neutrality towards morality. But remember, the alignment system is a mere guideline to understanding characters. Characters like Serana demonstrate the complexity and nuance of personality, making them compelling and multidimensional. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated character alignment matrix across all planes of existence.

Serana's Trophy Case

PPET Rankings

Season Rank
1 (2023-2024) #56 (of 107)

Overall Conclusion on Serana and Position Across Planes of Existence

Across the planes of existence in the rich multiverse of fantasy, Serana holds a notable position with a power rating of 6.9. As a character from the Elder Scrolls series, a universe well-regarded for its intricate lore and vast pantheon of powerful beings, she indeed emerges as a formidable force.

Her rating is an aggregate, reflective of her raw power as a vampire, tactical ability, influence, resilience, and versatility. While she may not hold god-like powers like Vivec from her own universe or Gandalf from Middle-Earth, her unique mix of these attributes contributes to her above-average rating.

Firstly, Serana's raw power and magical prowess are exceptional due to her Pure-blooded vampire status. This grants her notable abilities such as necromancy, resistance to frost, and the power to drain life. "The blood of a vampire. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour." These inherent capabilities contribute significantly to her power level.

In terms of tactical ability, Serana has demonstrated prudence and strategic thinking throughout her quests. Her decision to align with the Dragonborn and her choice to undermine her father's plan are notable instances of her tactical acumen.

Her influence, while not in the league of charismatic leaders or silver-tongued manipulators, is considerable within the context of her narrative. Serana has a persuasive personality that allows her to form a bond with the Dragonborn, influencing their actions in a profound way.

Her resilience and versatility contribute to her durability and adaptability. These factors are particularly visible during her struggle against her father and the Volkihar vampires. "I want us to be a family again. But I don't know if we can ever have that. Maybe we don't deserve that kind of happiness. Maybe it isn't for us."

In addition, Serana's emotional depth and personal growth throughout the narrative add layers to her character that transcend her power rating. This further enriches her position in the pantheon of fantasy characters. She grapples with her past, her identity as a vampire, her familial relationships, and her place in the world, providing a relatable and empathetic aspect to her character.

Overall, her power rating of 6.9 is a testament to the blend of her abilities, personality, and personal growth throughout the storyline. While she may not be the most powerful, her unique combination of these elements elevates her above the average, placing her in a significant position across the various planes of existence in fantasy literature. Pride and Prophecy keeps an updated power ranking across all planes of existence. This will only be sortable on desktop viewing. The below table shows a summary within the same plane of existence of this article.

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