Race: Forsaken
Sex: Male
Faction: Shadow
Rating: 7.4
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Arena Status: Active (S2)
Rahvin, formerly known as Ared Mosinel, is one of the thirteen Forsaken—the dreaded champions of the Shadow—from The Wheel of Time universe. As one of the most formidable male channelers ever to live, Rahvin’s significance extends well beyond his brief but impactful appearances. Gifted with immense strength in the One Power, Rahvin operates with a blend of charm, strategy, and cruelty. He preferred manipulation and subversion to overt displays of violence, although he was more than capable of such when required. Upon his release from the Bore, he assumed the identity of Lord Gaebril and insinuated himself into Andoran politics, manipulating Queen Morgase and her court through Compulsion. Ultimately, his fate is sealed in a climactic confrontation with Rand al'Thor in The Fires of Heaven.
Rahvin, One of the Forsaken |